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The Ancient (Tantric) NavRatna Talisman Design

The Ancient (Tantric) NavRatna Talisman Design There is a specific (tantric)  way of using gems-making a ring  in which all the nine gems are set in a particular order, as follows : A pendent made with these nine gems (NavRatnas) worn in the neck is also useful. The size of the gems in a ring […]

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One Mukhi Rudraksha / 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Rudraksha (Ruling Planet Sun) 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is  the symbol of Godhood, Supreme truth and attainment of eternity. This rudraksha enlightens the super consciousness. One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of object. The wearer of one Mukhi Rudraksha experiences a change in the mental structure and brings beings to concentrate on the Supreme element. Diseases […]

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Oldest and best Gemstone Wholesaler

We being the Oldest and best Gemstone Wholesaler company since 1937. Our Gemstones are sourced directly from the mines and gems manufacturers. This helps us to cut down the middlemen and pass on the price benefit to our customers. Because of this our gemstones are much cheaper and at affordable prices than any other gemstone […]

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Rose Quartz – Stone of Love / Benefits of Rose Quartz Gemstone

Benefits of Rose Quartz Gemstone / Characteristics of Rose Quartz/ Rose Quartz-Stone of Love. The “Gemstone of Loveâ€- Rose Quartz. Yes, Rose Quartz Gemstone is known as the Gem that represents love. The light pink color of quartz is known as Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is also called Pink Quartz or Hyaline Quartz, from the […]

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Spiritual Significance of Tulsi Plant/Holy Plant

Spiritual Significance of Tulsi Plant OR Holy Plant Spiritual Significance of Tulsi Plant OR Holy Plant According to ancient Hindu belief, it is essential that at least one Tulsi plant exists in the courtyard of every home. It is customary to plant Tulsi in the month of Kartik. The Skandpuran says that one gets rid […]

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Benefits of Jupiter in 4th House of Horoscope

Benefits of Jupiter in 4th House of Horoscope Jupiter in 4th House / Benefits of Jupiter in 4th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Jupiter in 4th House of Horoscope Benefits of jupiter in 4th House of Horoscope This 4th house is one of the most advantageous positions of Jupiter, because this house concerns mother, breast […]

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Importance of different gemstone in human life.

Importance of different gemstone in human life. Energized gemstones are powerful precious gemstones containing benefits associated with uplifting your soul in a spiritual context and solving a variety of problems faced by you on the financial end or from a career etc. Listed here are some of the most powerful gemstones. Associated with each is […]

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Why Pure Vedic Gems ?

Credibility Since 1937
World Wide safe & insured shipping
Indian Govt Lab & International reputed labs Certification
Complete in house setup of Vedic poojas & Energization as per authentic ancient rituals.
Scientific Research Centre-Gems/ Rudrakshas/Yagyas Healing Therapy & Vedic Astrology
Authentic world renown genuine vedic astrologers available for guidance

Affiliations & Certifications PureVedicGems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology
institutes and organizations

Gubelin Gemlab
Gemological Institute of America
Gemmological Institute of India
Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery
International Gemological Institute
Gem Research SwissLab