ketu Shanti Yagya By Pure Vedic Gems-
Conduct this Ketu Yagya with Vedic rituals Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Ketu.
In our horoscope Ketu signifies Spirituality, adversaries, enlightenment and apparent obstacles on the way to enlightenment, complete knowledge, indolence, seclusion, to prevent and protect from accidents, eccentricity, renunciation, asceticism, mysticism, esoteric knowledge, psychic abilities, abstraction, sublimation, transformation, separation, dividedness, uncontrollable mass of energy, electricity, brightness, flame, lamp, television, apparition, witchcraft, intrigues, suspicion, corruption etc...
When afflicted it signifies accidents and surgeries, unnecessary depression, poor concentration, boundless worries, anxiety , ghost related problems, fears of robbery, bad habits, loss of face, loss of property etc. It also signifies health problems like allergies, Mental tensions etc....
If you are having any of these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform Yagya to Ketu.
It Means worshiping Ketu with Mantra, Tantra and yagya.. This remedy will never give negative results and these will increase positive results of lord Ketu.
Conducts this Ketu Yagya with Vedic Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Ketu.
Let’s discuss the procedure to successfully conduct a Vedic Pooja for Ketu in order to pacify malefic Ketu in a horoscope.
Ketu Shanti Yagya is exquisitely organized in order to remove the malefic effects of Ketu in a horoscope. This done by pacifying the negative effect of planet Ketu by providing more strength to Ketu does unleashing positivity& benefic results of Ketu are received. Tuesday or Saturday is the day to start a pooja or Yagya for Ketu is but may change as per the preference and time required by the pundits to perform complete set of 18,000 ketu Vedic mantras. Vedic Pundits usually take 1 Day to complete Ketu Pooja. Ketu Yagya is done to remove malefic effect of Rahu by removing negativity or to avail extra benefits from already benefic planet by providing more strength to the planet in a horoscope.
No matter what is the nature or type of pooja, this is the most significant step in any pooja where the correct Mantras for a pooja are chosen so as to rectify the dosh. These mantras can go beyond limits and stretch to the limit of 18,000. The chant of mantras for this pooja is Ketu mantras and they shall be performed in designated time and manner. To start a pooja we first choose a specific day to start the pooja. This day is chosen in accordance with the nature of pooja and time required by the pundits to complete the pooja.
Sankalpam is also known as “resolution” a Pundit generally takes an oath in front of the respective God and Goddess on the behalf of native stating that they are going to perform a Ketu pooja and as a result of successful completion of Pooja in underlined manner, the native shall be blessed by the gods and goddess in form of removal of the Doshas in horoscope. He takes the name of native, his father’s name Gotra and the assistant pundits which are in number. He also mentions the proposed date and time to finish the pooja and includes any special wish and requirements of the native in the sankalpam.
After this Sankalpam pundits keep on enchanting (jaap) mantras in order to finish the pooja in proposed time. They enchant for as long as a day to finish a pooja.
Next step after the Sankalpam and the pundits have finished enchanting all the mantras for the pooja. A ceremony in form of completion ceremony is organized at the completion of pooja which takes generally 2 to 3 hours. Time for this ceremony may change for different Poojas. In the completion ceremony pundits keep on repeating that they have finished the mantras in decided time and manner and there native should be blessed by the God and Goddess. Things related to planets among the navgraha are also worshiped in this ceremony. A pooja is organized in for different God and Goddess and they are worshiped in the completion ceremony.
An important step in any pooja that requires special attention and care in performance is hawan. The procedure of Havana is very technical and should be performed by and under guidance of expert pundits with esteem knowledge and experience. Pundits establish a direct connection between the native and the planets with the help of mantras and jaaps. This is done by appliance of pure and supreme power of Vedic Jyotish rituals.
After this a havan kund is formed and holy fire is lit for the pooja. The enchantment of Ketu pooja is again started and this time at the end of enchantment of each mantra, a strong sound of Swaha is produced. This sound is reproduced for each mantra and with the sound a certain specific offering from pooja samagri is devoted to the holy fire. This process is repeatedly done for long with different pooja samaghri like- flowers, ghee, oil, rice, wheat, milk and many other items. At the end to finally mark an end to pooja, a dry coconut filled with specific items is devoted to the holy fire of Havana. This brings Ketu pooja to an end.
All the above mentioned procedures are to be followed in specific manner. Failure in performance shall lead to no benefits from the pooja and native shall not be blessed by the Gods for getting the pooja performed as a remedy.
There are few precautions and prohibitions to be maintained by the native for the successful completion of pooja, during the run of Pooja. These are as follows-
The native is advised to eat only vegetarian food. To eat non vegetarian food is strictly prohibited; refrain from smoking or consumption of alcohol, bad habits during the Pooja. should keep the aura positive around him and should not surround in negativity, the native should not get involved in any act of violence, should not get sexually involved with partner whether married or unmarried.
The native should wake up early morning and pray to God, Goddess, try to connect with pooja himself/herself.
The point to be noted in Ketu pooja is that the pooja can be performed in presence of or without the presence of native. This can be done by the help of assistant pundit who shall recite all the mantras for the native. In this pooja native’s photo is kept as a resemblance and symbol of representation. Head pundit mentions in the sankalpam that the native is unable to attend the pooja and the designated pundit shall recite mantras on his behalf. This is done by assistant pundit who recites first mantras of the native and then his own mantras.
Performing a chant of 18,000 Ketu Vedic mantras in above mentioned manner and thus finishing a successful Ketu pooja results in removal of malefic Ketu in a horoscope of the native.
Ketu shanti vedic yagya is performed by five experienced and learned pundits. There are 18,000 vedic mantras chanted in this yagya. It takes 7-8 hours to get this yagya done.
Benefits :-
- To win over enemies/ adversaries
- To prevent and protect from accidents
- To protected from any negative eventually/ evil effects
- For overall materialistic and spiritual development
- To minimize the malefic effect of afflicted Ketu