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Astrological Remedies Recommendation From Learned & Authentic Vedic Astrologers (Gemstones, Rudrakshas & Vedic Yagyas) (After Detailed Horoscope Analysis Not By Automatic Computerised Astrological Software)

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Gemstone Recommendation-Frequently Asked Questions

The gemstone recommendation is based on the date of birth, place of birth, Time of birth. After analyzing your horoscope from an authentic pundit, you can choose your recommended gemstone. The gemstone recommendation by an authentic pundit is beneficial for you. When pundit Ji tells you about the place of your planets and which planet is positive and which one is negative for you then you can choose you gemstone as per your gemstone recommendation easily, a well-recommended gemstone will give you a good result but the recommended gemstone, you are going to buy should be 100% authentic and Vedic quality.

Recommended gemstone which can improve your luck in career by analyzing your horoscope as per all your personal details like the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth, Astrologer analyze your horoscope that which planet is negative and which one is positive for your career, and after that Astrologer recommend you a Vedic Quality gemstone as per your horoscope. You can wear a gemstone for your positive planets and can do shanti Yagya Vedic Remedies for your negative planets. After this process you can improve your luck in career and can change your life.

In PureVedicgems first of all, Our Senior Astrologer has a deep study of client’s horoscope as per their details like the date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth and deeply analyze client’s Dasha, mahadasha, antardasha and pratyantar Dasha and the full chart of the client’s horoscope and then they recommended gemstone for their favorable planets and recommended Shanti Yagya for their negative planets.

Navratana is nine precious gems like (Ruby, White sapphire, Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald, Red coral, pearl, cat’s eye, and Hessonite.) Each gemstone belongs to the specific planet of our solar system. When the gemstone is converted into jewelry then it offers overall protection. It also removes the malefic effects of planets and attracts positivity, peace, and happiness. Ruby gemstone is for planet sun and this gemstone is for career, health Respect, courage. White sapphire gemstone is for planet Venus and this gemstone is for Relationship, career attraction, and materialistic comfort. Blue sapphire gemstone is for planet Saturn and this gemstone is for career, property health Relationship. Yellow sapphire gemstone is for planet Jupiter and this planet is for education, spirituality, knowledge, positive thinking, prosperity, and health. Emerald gemstone is for planet Mercury this planet is for communication skills, confidence, nervous system, brain memory, and career. Red coral gemstone is for planet mars and this gemstone is for courage, mental strength healthy land assets. Pearl gemstone is for planet moon and this gemstone is for Mind, Emotions Temperamental, and Mental peace. Cat’s eye gemstone is for planet Ketu and this gemstone is for Relationships, Health career, and spirituality. And Hessonite gemstone is for planet Rahu and this gemstone is for Relationship, career health finance.

The effect of Substitute Gemstone is also benefical for us.When we are recommended gemstone through the Vedic pundit. It may be not affordable for everyone, in that case, we can go for the Substitute Gemstone, they are cheap and as well as effective and one can buy easily from an authentic place. There are many substitutes for one recommended gemstone. Substitute gemstones are very affordable for everyone.

Yagya is one of the most effective remedies in our Jyotish Vedic science. Yagya is done to reduce the negative/evil effects of malefic planets or to gain the benefits from the already powerful planet in the horoscope. This is a long-term relief from their problem for those who suffer from many malefic effects. Yagya also purifies the air of the environment and when we do Yagya in our house then Yagya fill the positive energy in our mind body and soul.

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Affiliations & Certifications PureVedicGems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology
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Gubelin Gemlab
Gemological Institute of America
Gemmological Institute of India
Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery
International Gemological Institute
Gem Research SwissLab