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Significance of 108

Significance of 108 The rosary or the mala which is used to count mantras in the indian subcontinent has 108 beads. This specific number – 108 – has been a sacred number in the indian subcontinent for a very, very long time. This number is explained in many different ways. The ancient Indians were advanced […]

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Importance of Akshaya Tritya Puja

-: Importance of Akshaya Tritya Puja :- -:Importance of Akshaya Tritya Puja :- Akshaya Tritya is a very important day in the year as it is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and goddess Laxmi. It is a very prominent belief among Hindus that Lord Vishnu fulfils the desires of all his devotees and Goddess Laxmi bestows […]

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Vaastu for Happiness

Vaastu for Happiness Secret to inner happiness Giving creates abundance. The more you give, the more you receive. An example from nature: you cannot keep inhaling air; you must exhale too. We don’t experience abundance in each and every aspect of our lives, so take a good look within and around you, and then ask […]

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Tips Related to the Natural World

Tips Related to the Natural World Tips Related to the Natural World Essential Oils and Incense Incense and essential oils of flowers are pious and have cleansing properties, and as such help enhance the positive energies in the environment. Light and burn them regularly to clear the house of negative energy forms. Pets and Plants […]

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Tips Related to the Material World

Tips Related to the Material World   Tips Related to the Material World Good Income Never say “ I am poor ”. This way you increase your problems and worries. Always give dues and balances on time. Facing the North opens up opportunities for making money. Check the water slope in the house; it should […]

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Tips Related to the Physical World

Tips Related to the Physical World Tips Related to the Physical World Body Postures Some people have a tendency to sit cross-legged or cross their arms across their chest. Both these positions are unreceptive in nature and not welcoming. People using these postures frequently are usually stubborn and poor recipients of the good things in […]

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Tips Related to the Spiritual World

Tips for a Better Life TO enjoy a good life, there should be a balance in all aspects of our lives, be it the spiritual or the physical and one should neither forget the natural world surrounding us.Vaastu too is all about harmony and can help us attain a happy balance in our lives by […]

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RAHU LOOKS, NATURE AND REMEDIES RAHU LOOKS & NATURE Although Rahu has a fearsome face, he wears a beautiful crown on his head, a garland around his neck and black clothes. He holds a sword, an iron shield, a trishul, while the fourth arm is in the varmudra pose. He is positioned on a powerful […]

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Steps involved in Conducting Vedic Pujas/Prayers

Steps involved in Conducting Vedic Pujas/Prayers : There are 16 basic steps in conducting a puja in Hinduism. This is known as Shodashopachara, and is common to all pujas, irrespective of whom we are worshiping. Nowadays we are pressed for time and perpetually in a tearing hurry, and this time factor is coupled with one […]

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Ruby- Motivation and action

Ruby- Motivation and action Ruby- Motivation and action Ruby is the red variety of the very hard mineral corundum., which takes its color from traces of chromium and forms characteristics barrel-shaped crystals. Ruby, has a long history of use as a gemstone, though until recently, because of its hardness, the stone was not faceted but […]

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Authentic world renown genuine vedic astrologers available for guidance

Affiliations & Certifications PureVedicGems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology
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Gubelin Gemlab
Gemological Institute of America
Gemmological Institute of India
Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery
International Gemological Institute
Gem Research SwissLab