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Yellow sapphire c Vedic in Astrology (Lord Brihaspati)Among the important Astrological gemstones Natural Yellow Sapphire holds a special place. It is the gemstone of Planet Jupiter also known as Brihaspati in Hindi Astrology.
Here are the top ten yellow sapphire astrological benefits, listed for you:
Yellow sapphire has the planetary energy of Planet Jupiter, which is the planet of wisdom, knowledge and fortune. Wearing a Jyotish approved Yellow Sapphire can beget good fortune and wealth.


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    • Wearing a Jyotish approved yellow sapphire helps in better clarity, focus and therefore better decision making ability.
    • Planet Jupiter signifies marriage and marital bliss in a female individual’s birth chart. Wearing yellow sapphire can help in overcoming delay in marriage and finding a suitable match.
    • Natural yellow sapphire is a ‘feel good’ gemstone too. It can help a great deal in combating a pessimistic outlook. Wearing a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire can keep an individual upbeat and hopeful.
    • Natural yellow sapphire is a very beneficial gemstone for individuals with pieces ascendants or Sagittarius Ascendants.
    • Wearing a natural yellow sapphire can bring great progress in academics and is a very good gem for those involved in higher academic pursuits as well as teaching.
    • Planet Jupiter rules over the realm of law and justice, therefore those engaged in legal profession stand to benefit from yellow sapphire.
    • Spiritual counselors, healers, priests, preachers, – all those who are engaged in religious or spiritual work also benefit from Yellow Sapphire as dharma (religion) is the domain of Jupiter. Those seeking spiritual evolution may also benefit greatly.
    • Natural Yellow sapphire gemstone can help a lot as a healing stone in case of stomach ailments, weak digestive system and jaundice.

Individuals for whom Jupiter is a natural yogkaraka can find great relief in Rahu Mahadasha or Rahu Antardasha by wearing a Yellow Sapphire. It is highly recommended that planetary gem therapy of any sort should be started after seeking a Proper Vedic Gems Recommendation only.


How to enhance Jupiter energy in your life

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