More than 4 generations old family tradition (Since 1937) of dealing in Pure Astro-Vedic quality jyotish gemstones, high quality genuine Rudrakshas and Authentic Vedic Yagyas.
Yagna and Pooja. The Sanskrit word Yagna is originated from the verb – YAJ = which means to do oblation to fire. Yagna are combination of rituals which are recommended in our great Vedas. While undertaking one particular yagna the practitioner has to recite a particular mantra and do offerings to the fire. The mantra could be from Vedas or from Puranas. The yagna could be undertaken for the purpose of planetary affliction in the horoscope, some Vastu problem, child birth, marriage, progeny etc. Vedic Yagna is the highly developed science of contacting the celestial field of life. Our saints cognized specific procedures for gaining blessings from different manifestations of the divine who create and administer the universe. The ancient tradition of Vedic Yagna prescribes a variety of performances to express devotion to the Divine in its varied manifestations, to celebrate and facilitate important achievements in life, and to purify ourselves and our environment of any malefic energy that may hinder our evolution.
Pooja is a ritual where mantra is also recited and fire sacrifice is also done, but all are voluntarily. To under take pooja there is no need of following the classical method as prescribed in our Brahmin grantha or tantra books. There is no need to chant the mantras in their prescribed quantity. It could be said that pooja is undertaken as a general worship to the god just to get the spiritual development.
While undertaking pooja of a specific deity one do not have fixed goal which he has targeted to achieve. Pooja may be performed at almost any time, although certain times may be considered much more auspicious. They generally last between one hour or depending upon the person.
Rudra is a famous name of Lord Shiva. Rudrabhishek is the famous puja and worship performed to Shivling by giving a holy bath. This is one of the most powerful forms of worships in Hinduism and is believed to bless the devotees with prosperity and peace and remove the sins of many births. Shiva is a highly benevolent God and is easily pleased. Rudrabhishek is performed on Shivratris month after month. However, any day of Shravan (July – August) is ideally suited for Rudrabhishek. The essence of this puja is the holy chant of Sri Rudam from the Yajur Veda and giving a holy bath to Shivling with many materials including Panchmrit or fruit salad soaked in honey. Yagya to Shiva also help to remove ignorance, prevent disease and promote rapid recovery from serious disease.
Conduct this Surya (Sun) Yagya with Vedic rituals Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Surya (Sun)
When Sun is badly placed in your birth chart or he is in debilitated position and giving inauspicious results like health problems, Fever, Headache, Eye troubles and problems with higher officials and politicians. Afflicted Sun gives arrogance, wavering temperament, haughty, proud, jealous, over ambitious, irritable, angry, self-opinionated, dominating nature, extravagance, obstacles and difficulties, immoral and spiteful.
Birth on dark night (Amavashya), Birth on Krantisamya or Mahapa, Sapat (Sun with Rahu or Ketu) blemish (Dosha
If you are having any one of these doshas in your Horoscope you are advised to perform Shanti Yagya to Sun. It means worshiping Lord Sun with Mantra, Tantra and yagya. This Shanti Yagya will never give negative results and these will increase positive results of Sun.
Conduct this chandra (moon) Yagya with Vedic Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord chandra (moon)
Chandra stands for the intellectuality as it belongs to mind, brain, imagination, sensitivity and emotions. Badly Placed Chandra/moon may produce ill effects. The person, who wants to enhance these aspects in his life, should opt for Chandra (moon) Yagya. Lord Chandra (moon) also indicates mind.
If you are having any doshas related to Chandra in your birth chart you are advised to perform Shanti Yagya to moon.
Means worshiping moon with Mantra, Tantra and Yagya. This remedy will never give negative results and these will increase positive results of moon.
Conduct this Mangal (Mars) Yagya with Vedic Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Mangal (Mars)
In our Horoscope Mars/Mangal rules the courage and confidence, occupation wise mars represents military, soldiers, warriors, builders, engineers and real estate business, laboratories, chemistry, mathematics, logic, difference of opinion, litigation, argument, misunderstanding, anger, aggression etc…
While afflicted Mars gives Relation with siblings gets disturbed, Relations with brothers gets affected due to malefic mangal, Person become aggressive and sometimes enter in illegal issues due to malefic mangal, Dissatisfied marriage life is also seen due to manglik problem, Delay in marriage also occurs due to mangal dosha, Lack of passion and ambition also seen in the person having weak Mangal, Person become inactive in life due to weak mangal, Debt problems also arises due to mars malefic effect.
In a horoscope Afflicted Mars will give financial problems, debts, Blood related problems in life etc… Manglik Dosha, Sarpa Dosha, Bratru Shapa dosha
If you are having any one of these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform Shanti Yagya to Mars/Mangal.
It means worshiping Mangal with Mantra, Tantra and Yagya. This remedy will never give negative results and this will increase positive results of Mars.
Conduct this Budh (Mercury) Yagya with Vedic Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Budh (Mercury)
In our horoscope, Mercury signifies education, governs the logical and intellectual side of the mind, the thinking process that precedes speech and ability to communicate, as well as anything related to a language, use of symbols, logic, and information processing, and connecting with people or things. The influences on Mercury in the birth chart will determine the clarity of one’s intellect and speech, and the ability to communicate, grasping power, career, good writing etc.
Badly Placed Mercury/Budh may produce ill effects like nervous system problems, break in education, loss of Memory power, communication gap with people and Business Losses etc. The person, who wants to cure these problems in his life, should opt for Budh (Mercury) shanti Yagya. Lord Budh (Mercury) also indicates mind. It should be performed at regular intervals for enhancing the benefit of Lord Budh(Mercury).
Debilitated (Neecha) Mercury
Weak Mercury (Balya, Mritavasthas or conjoined with Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu)
If you are having any one of below-given doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform Shanti Yagya to Mercury.
Means worshiping Mercury with Mantra, Tantra and yagya. This remedy will never give negative results and these will increase positive results of Mercury.
Becoming over optimistic, extravagant, careless, gambling, misjudgment, law suits, lack of compassion, frivolous, financial problems, progeny problems, health problems like problems to liver are the significations of afflicted Jupiter.
If you are having these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform this remedy to Jupiter/ Brihaspati.
negative results and this will increase positive results of planet Jupiter.
lack of affection, little appreciation of beauty, ill-reputation, scandal, loss of conveyances and luxury items. Problems related to marriage, financial losses, lack of luxuries, love failures, problems to gene etc. are the significations of malefic Venus.
If you are having any one of these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform shanti Yagya to Venus.
Means worshiping Venus with Mantra, Tantra and Yagya. This remedy will never give negative results and this will increase positive results of Shukra (Venus).
Conduct this Shani (Saturn) Yagya with Vedic Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Shani (Saturn)
In our Horoscope Saturn signifies Perfection, introspection, conscience, discipline, asceticism, inner silence, and transcendence, exploration, discovery, invention, science, gateway to enlightenment, inner guru, philosophy, metaphysics, religion, seriousness, sense of duty, slowness, retardation, obstacles, problems, frustration, separating influence, coolness, contraction, caution, suspicion, reservation etc…
Fearful, slow, skeptical, melancholic, indifferent, callous, incompetent and cruel When Saturn is not in a favorable position in horoscope or in Transits especially
Sadhesati (Saturn placed in 12th, 1st and 2nd house from Shani) or ashtama Shani (8th House from Shani) will have lot of problems like delays in takings, health problems, loss in Business etc… are significations of malefic Saturn. Debilitated (Neecha) Saturn
If you are having any one of these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform Yagya to Saturn/Shani
It Means worshiping Saturn with Mantra, Tantra and yagya. This will never give negative results and will increase positive results of Shani.
When Rahu is not in a good position or malefic in once chart he will give lot of mental tensions, misunderstandings, Compulsive behavior, hedonistic tendency, change of residence, health problems like allergies, mental illusions etc.. These are significations of malefic Rahu.
If you are having any one of these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform Yagya to Rahu.
It Means worshiping Rahu with Mantra, Tantra and yagya. This Yagya will never give negative results and this will increase positive results of Rahu.
Conduct this Ketu Yagya with Vedic rituals Mantras along with other potent verses for Lord Ketu.
In our horoscope Ketu signifies Spirituality, adversaries, enlightenment and apparent obstacles on the way to enlightenment, complete knowledge, indolence, seclusion, to prevent and protect from accidents, eccentricity, renunciation, asceticism, mysticism, esoteric knowledge, psychic abilities, abstraction, sublimation, transformation, separation, dividedness, uncontrollable mass of energy, electricity, brightness, flame, lamp, television, apparition, witchcraft, intrigues, suspicion, corruption etc…
When afflicted it signifies accidents and surgeries, unnecessary depression, poor concentration, boundless worries, anxiety , ghost related problems, fears of robbery, bad habits, loss of face, loss of property etc. It also signifies health problems like allergies, Mental tensions etc….
If you are having any of these doshas in your birth chart you are advised to perform Yagya to Ketu. It Means worshiping Ketu with Mantra, Tantra and yagya.. This remedy will never give negative results and these will increase positive results of lord Ketu.
Conduct this Durga Saptashati Yagya with Vedic Mantras along with other potent verses for Goddess Durga.
Durga Saptshati pooja is dedicated to Goddess Durga Devi. Deity Durga Devi gives continuous blessing during this Yagya. She is the primitive energy that is responsible for the making and abolition of this entire universe. She is the total energies of this whole universe.
Durga Saptshati pooja/yagya is the great and one of the most powerful Yagya for a person getting Success in their life and also it’s overcome of all kinds of Doshas and barriers in one’s whole life. This Yagya helps a person to get success over Enemies and in the Court Cases. If you are having problems in your life, by performing Durga Saptshati pooja, one can become free from evil eyes, troubles, barriers and they are also bestowed with getting good health, wealth, chastity and prosperity.
Durga Saptshati Yagya is the most powerful yagna in Hindu religion. It is done across India during different festival, especially during navaratri festival. Durga Saptshati pooja is celebrated by enumerating verses from the Durga Saptasati and giving oblations into the sacrificial fire. By performing Durga Saptshati Yagya once in a year gives success in life and also offers positive strength to face all hurdles in their life. This yagna gives strength to win over enemies and overcomes all the obstacles in life.
For 100% Natural, Astro-Rashi Approved, Lab Certified Gemstones/Rudrakshas:
Genuine Products and Satisfied Customers are our first and foremost priority
Firstly, I want to give compliment to the website. By chance, I came to know the shop from the Internet only. The design of the website attract me a lot as well as it gives many useful knowledge about Astrology, gemstones, etc. After that, I feel thankful to Mr.Vikas Ji and his staffs for their understanding, support me from A to Z and help me solve all my problems. Whatever I don\'t understand, they guide me very slowly, clearly and remove all my doubts. They are great people - I have to say!!! Thanks a ton. Finally, the products are very good and give me positive result till now (nearly 3 months). The rings are well-designed - even many Indians, they also gave me compliments on the rings; the gems are high quality - very stunning. Just only compliments - no any doubts. I definitely come back and purchase more products from this shop. In the future, if anyone need Astrology products, I will highly recommend Pure Vedic Gems to them!!! With love and all my best wishes to all of you! Yen Van (VietNam)
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Hare Krishna All I bought two gem stones from Pure Vedic Gems. I was bit confused about gem stones because it was my first time experience. I cruised around many websites and made phone calls in India, but didn\'t get any satisfactory answers. I contacted Pure Vedic Gems, they followed up my quiries nicely. Vikas ji the owner of Vedic Gems gave me very valuable advices. It took me long time to finalize the products, but staff had lots of patience. Pure Vedic Gems team answered all my questions and helped me to select the products. They helped me on every step of this process. I will highly recommend Pure Vedic Gems to any customers especially Overseas Clients, because it is very hard to find right place to buy gems with complete package (including rings). They have given certificates of Gems and done the proper puja process too. And one more thing to mention, they have Astrologer Team which can help you out if you are not sure of right gem for you on very nominal charges. Full marks to Vikas Mehra ji and his team. Thanks a million Regards Baljit Bains
It was great talking to Vikas, I found him very knowledgeable, and he helped me choose the right product. Pure Vedic Gems team equally is very very helpful, He always sorted out all my quaries & was very responsive.I received the product on time & its a wonderful peace of gem. One doesn’t need to worry about product’s authenticity when buying from Purevedicgems.
Right away as soon as I started my order i was contacted by pure vedic gems team to make sure everything was set up perfectly for my ring to be made. They walked me through the whole process up to delivery. The stone was very good quality and well energized and I felt the difference as soon as I started wearing it. The craftsmanship of the ring was great aswell. I am grateful to have found purevedicgems and I cant wait to make my next purchase :)
Hi Vikasji, Its my pleasure to write feedback about the interaction that we had. I am very impress with the quality of the gemstone, reasonable pricing, finishing and perfection with with it is embedded into ring. The overall services such as - day to day interaction , resolving queries with quick responses and delivery on time in secure packing. I had received excellent customer service for first purchase of a another gemstone last year, the same experience this time as well. I would continue to use Purevedic for future purchases and would highly recommend to others.
A Final end, destination when u are searching for pure unheated untreated Vedic Gemstones. The Very first day when I saw website and videos of oceanic knowledge and an unsaid promise for pure Ratana and consultation. I wish Mr Vikas ( whom I have never met ). But I wish to..... But I bought Emerald from Pure Vedic Gems. It\'s really very nice quality as promised. Nowadays when every one in market promises for true stones, the one trusted stop is Mr Vikas whose true and valuable guidance will surely make u go for a real stone , none other than Pure Vedic Gems. My best wishes are with them and Vikas ji too.. May the supreme power, lord of us all shower blessings on them...
I bought 2 gemstones (Yellow Sapphire & Red Coral) from Pure Vedic Gems and I am very pleased with the products and customer services. The gemstones were high quality and very beautiful. PURE VEDIC GEMS teams was very helpful throughout the journey. He helped me from the purchase to delivery of the product. Thank you