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The Planets and Our Bodies

The Planets and Our Bodies

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The Planets and Our Bodies

Any astrologer or book on astrology will tell you that certain parts of the body are governed by specific planetary principles. For example, the knees, spleen, and skeletal system are under strong influence of the planet Saturn. In astrology they say that these parts of the body are “governed†by the Saturn principle. Here is how various organs are related to celestial bodies, along with a mantra related to the planet or other celestial bodies, along with a mantra related to the planet or other celestial body with the greatest influence on that body part.

 Body Parts                                                              Planet  Mantras

Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood,           Sun    Om Sri Suryaya Namaha

 and veins

Stomach including gastric processes,              Moon   Om Sri Chandraya Namaha

Lymphatic and other non blood fluid

Systems Such as perspiration and

saliva, Sympathetic nervous system.

Hands, arms, lungs, sensory organs,             Mercury   Om Sri Budhaya Namaha

Some thyroid gland influence

Throat, neck, kidneys, secondary                   Venus      Om Sri Shukraya Namaha

connection with sex organs and feet,

some thyroid gland influence

Adrenal glands, red blood cells                       Mars     Om Sri Angarakaya Namaha

Liver, gallbladder, posterior lobe of              Jupiter   Om Sri Gurave Namaha

The pituitary (related to growth), thighs

Spleen, skeletal system including                 Saturn   Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha

Cartilage, skin, lower leg from the knee

To the ankle, anterior lobe of the

Pituitary gland( related to body type)

In Eastern, lunar-based astrology, a person may be said to enter a Mars period lasting seven years. Things in life may become difficult for no apparent reason. A Vedic astrologer (they are rare) can easily spot these and other periods of potential problems in relationships, business, and the like. Knowing which planetary aspects

May be causing problems offers a route to clearing them.

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