More than 4 generations old family tradition (Since 1937) of dealing in Pure Astro-Vedic quality jyotish gemstones, high quality genuine Rudrakshas and Authentic Vedic Yagyas.
The seven Chakras or ‘lotuses’ are the higher energy-centers of our bodies, and are the channels or focal points through which cosmic energy is received, distributed, and regulated for different bodily functions. They are rotating vortexes, each with three concentric whorls of energy. They are traditionally said to be the ‘centers’ of consciousness situated within our subtle and astral bodies through which yogis direct the life-force to attain their ultimate goal.
The chakras absorb the seven cosmic rays, which are the sustenance for their functioning and thus the functioning of our gross physical bodies. When the rays are received in sufficient quantity, the chakras function properly and therefore the endocrine glandular systems which they regulate will also function in a healthy manner. When there is a lack of absorption of the cosmic radiating colors, then the chakras fail to continue their job completely on the subtle level, which then leads to disease invading the physical body. The energies that enter the hose chakras are transformed and then transmitted through the nadis (nerve-channels), which create the according response within strop the nervous system. These impulses then pass to the endocrine glands, which are the physical manifestations of the chakras in the gross body. These endocrine glands release hormones into our bloodstreams, thereby effecting the conditioning of our present conceptions and perceptions of who or what we are.
When a patient’s chakras are exhibiting dysfunction, the first thing an experienced healer will do is to check for blockages which restrict the free flow of cosmic energy that sustains them. When this blockage occurs, the energies can be ‘confined’ within the astral or mental bodies, thus causing psychological imbalances and mental disease. When the flow of energy is blocked at the exit point of the chakra, then we see the dysfunction of the gland associated with it. When treating dysfunctional organs in the body through gem therapy, the necessary Cosmic ray is transmitted through the chakra which rules it.
Another cause of dysfunction may be toxins. These may be chemical, bacterial, or from more subtle causes. The physical causes are easier to diagnose and treat, and better health can obviously be maintained if the patient resolves to curtail the intake of those substances which caused the problem to begin with. The subtle toxins, called miasms, are more difficult to determine and to treat, but can be treated through gem radiation initially through the base (muladhara) chakra. These miasms occur within the ethereal body and often are transferred to the physical body through severe emotional shock or a bad fall.
The chakras each have a ruling planet, and of course a cosmic color. They regulate the different elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether within the body and their distribution in the body. They are the real ‘managers’ of the life-giving forces and of the smooth functioning of the physical body and rational mind. It should be noted that the cosmic colors used to replenish these energy-centers are not the same colors as the lotuses themselves.
Sahasrara Chakra
The sahasrara chakra, also called the sat chakra or sahasra data karnalat is situated at the top of the head. It is the topmost chakra, and when the kundalini shakti has passed through the other six chakras to enter this realm, a state of supra-consciousness is achieved called samadhi. In the physical body it rules the glands which regulate and connect the lobes of the brain. This most important gland is called the pineal gland. The sahasrara is also the chakra which combines all the seven cosmic colors to function as a regulator of the life-airs and life-force within the body. It absorbs the cosmic green ray which is necessary for its functioning on all levels, and therefore Emerald is the gem used to nourish any color ‘hunger’ within this chakra.
Ajna Chakra
The ajna chakra, situated at the forehead in position of the `third eye’ between the eyebrows, is also known as trikuti hen the yogi aising the life-force from the lower chakras to this one, all past karmas are burned up, and the door is opened to mukti or liberation from all identification with phenomenal imagery (including liberation from the notion of being the mirage-like image of a ‘successfully liberated’ yogi). Physically the trikuti is the center of conscious awareness from which all thought and action of the body is directed. It also rules the open passages within the head such as the nasal and ear passages, and regulates the nervous system as well. As it is related to the element of ether, it likewise rules the fat and glandular systems of the body, especially the pituitary gland, and is nourished by the cosmic blue ray, which can be supplied abundantly through using the Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone.
Visuddha Chakra
The visuddha chakra is the next chakra down and is situated at the base of the throat. It is said that the yogi who meditates upon this Ictus becomes free from any type of disease. This chakra has the function of stopping the entrance of foreign germs or viruses, maintains the thick lymph glands, and also rules the production of sperm. It rules the lungs, bronchial tubes, larynx, and the thyroid gland. It is related to the water element and is responsible for maintaining the general well-being of the entire body by keeping it free from infection. It absorbs the indigo cosmic color which is supplied by White Sapphire.
Anahata Chakra
The anahata chakra is the next one down in the line of energy-centers. It is situated in the region of the heart, and so is commonly referred to as the ‘heart Chakra’. It rules over the skin on the body and so also the sense of touch. This chakra rules the heart, regulates the different airs moving within the body and thereby the circulatory system, and controls the function of the thymus. It is kept in function through absorption of the violet cosmic ray. As Blue Sapphire is the repository of violet cosmic color, this stone is used to replenish this chakra if it is out of balance.
Manipura Chakra
The manipura chakra is situated above the navel and just below the solar plexus. It controls the pancreas and rules the stomach, liver, and gall bladder, affecting the nervous system as well. Not only does this chakra rule digestion, but the fire element or heat within the entire body. Therefore it is the regulator throughout the body of the cosmic red color that it receives from the cosmos. It also rules the eyes and therefore the comprehension of forms seen by them. The Ruby is an unlimited source of the cosmic red ray and therefore is used to restore the function and vitality of this chakra when red ‘hunger’ occurs.
Swadhisthana Chakra
Situated at the root of the sexual organs just below the navel is the swadhisthana chakra, which rules the reproductive system. This chakra rules over all thin secretions within the body, including the blood, and is the energy-center ruling the sense of taste experienced by us through our tongues. It is related to the element of water and regulates the flow of liquid evenly throughout the body. It is the orange cosmic ray that sustains proper functioning of this chakra, and Pearl is the gem which radiates this ceaselessly.
Muladhara Chakra
At the bottom of the spinal column is the muladhara chakra between the anus and the external genitals. It is the goal of raja-yoga to awaken the kundalini in this chakra, and once it is so aroused, the yogi is said to become free of the reactions to any previous inharmonious actions. It controls the adrenal glands and rules the spinal column and the kidneys. This chakra regulates the heat within the body and is related to the earth element. It is nourished by the yellow cosmic rays, and therefore its dysfunction is treated with Red Coral. Although both green and yellow cosmic rays are of the earth element, they are different in that green is cold earth and yellow is hot.
How Rudrakshas work (on our chakras):-
For 100% Natural, Astro-Rashi Approved, Lab Certified Gemstones/Rudrakshas:
Genuine Products and Satisfied Customers are our first and foremost priority
Firstly, I want to give compliment to the website. By chance, I came to know the shop from the Internet only. The design of the website attract me a lot as well as it gives many useful knowledge about Astrology, gemstones, etc. After that, I feel thankful to Mr.Vikas Ji and his staffs for their understanding, support me from A to Z and help me solve all my problems. Whatever I don\'t understand, they guide me very slowly, clearly and remove all my doubts. They are great people - I have to say!!! Thanks a ton. Finally, the products are very good and give me positive result till now (nearly 3 months). The rings are well-designed - even many Indians, they also gave me compliments on the rings; the gems are high quality - very stunning. Just only compliments - no any doubts. I definitely come back and purchase more products from this shop. In the future, if anyone need Astrology products, I will highly recommend Pure Vedic Gems to them!!! With love and all my best wishes to all of you! Yen Van (VietNam)
As recommended by Astrologer, I purchased the gemstones. I must say that they have a Unique role. After 3 months of wearing them, intuitively these have guided me in the right direction and given me a lot of strength in my convictions and getting beyond false sense of securities in life. Rest future will tell, how these prisms actually affect one. I am grateful to Vikas Mehra Ji for his time, his advice and detailed and patient way of dealing with customers. Thank you! Regards
The service was wonderful. Delivery and updates were very prompt and the pictures were incredibly appreciated. The ring itself has been fantastic. I wear it everyday and can feel the effects of it. Very grateful to have found you and will recommend you to friends looking for gamestones and use your service for any of my own future needs!
Hare Krishna All I bought two gem stones from Pure Vedic Gems. I was bit confused about gem stones because it was my first time experience. I cruised around many websites and made phone calls in India, but didn\'t get any satisfactory answers. I contacted Pure Vedic Gems, they followed up my quiries nicely. Vikas ji the owner of Vedic Gems gave me very valuable advices. It took me long time to finalize the products, but staff had lots of patience. Pure Vedic Gems team answered all my questions and helped me to select the products. They helped me on every step of this process. I will highly recommend Pure Vedic Gems to any customers especially Overseas Clients, because it is very hard to find right place to buy gems with complete package (including rings). They have given certificates of Gems and done the proper puja process too. And one more thing to mention, they have Astrologer Team which can help you out if you are not sure of right gem for you on very nominal charges. Full marks to Vikas Mehra ji and his team. Thanks a million Regards Baljit Bains
It was great talking to Vikas, I found him very knowledgeable, and he helped me choose the right product. Pure Vedic Gems team equally is very very helpful, He always sorted out all my quaries & was very responsive.I received the product on time & its a wonderful peace of gem. One doesn’t need to worry about product’s authenticity when buying from Purevedicgems.
Right away as soon as I started my order i was contacted by pure vedic gems team to make sure everything was set up perfectly for my ring to be made. They walked me through the whole process up to delivery. The stone was very good quality and well energized and I felt the difference as soon as I started wearing it. The craftsmanship of the ring was great aswell. I am grateful to have found purevedicgems and I cant wait to make my next purchase :)
Hi Vikasji, Its my pleasure to write feedback about the interaction that we had. I am very impress with the quality of the gemstone, reasonable pricing, finishing and perfection with with it is embedded into ring. The overall services such as - day to day interaction , resolving queries with quick responses and delivery on time in secure packing. I had received excellent customer service for first purchase of a another gemstone last year, the same experience this time as well. I would continue to use Purevedic for future purchases and would highly recommend to others.
A Final end, destination when u are searching for pure unheated untreated Vedic Gemstones. The Very first day when I saw website and videos of oceanic knowledge and an unsaid promise for pure Ratana and consultation. I wish Mr Vikas ( whom I have never met ). But I wish to..... But I bought Emerald from Pure Vedic Gems. It\'s really very nice quality as promised. Nowadays when every one in market promises for true stones, the one trusted stop is Mr Vikas whose true and valuable guidance will surely make u go for a real stone , none other than Pure Vedic Gems. My best wishes are with them and Vikas ji too.. May the supreme power, lord of us all shower blessings on them...
I bought 2 gemstones (Yellow Sapphire & Red Coral) from Pure Vedic Gems and I am very pleased with the products and customer services. The gemstones were high quality and very beautiful. PURE VEDIC GEMS teams was very helpful throughout the journey. He helped me from the purchase to delivery of the product. Thank you