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SUN IN THE 8th HOUSE / Benefits of Sun in the Eighth House of Horoscope



Sun in the 8th House of Horoscope / Benefits of Sun in the Eighth House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Sun in the 8th House of Horoscope –

  • The main subject of the 8th house is health, with or without impact on longevity. Sun would not normally cause any such injury or ill health as would adversely affect the longevity. Sun is directly concerned with fever (of any kind and any duration and on an account), skin ailment, burning sensation, heat stroke, and indirect, with functioning of the blood system, with any ailment relating to anus and the area around it, because anus region is ruled by the 8th house. It is a different matter that Sun would cooperate with other planets in causing any other kind of health trouble or long-term health problem, irrespective of the fact whether that planet is a friend or foe of Sun.
  • Sun gives trouble related to health either during its own Mahadasa, which is of 6 year-duration (shortest among duration of Mahadasa of all other planets), or during its Antardasa under any other planet. Otherwise Sun gives trouble when placed unfavorably in the yearly chart. Sun’s periodicity of stay in any Rasi by transit is of one month (one or two days minus or plus), and therefore Sun doesn’t create any long-term adverse effect on health except an injury or sudden fever or temporary skin ailment or burning sensation to any part of the body. Thus Sun does not do any substantial harm to the health during its transit in 4th, 8th or 12th house, even in the 1st house.
  • Because 8th house is concerned about stunt acting, Sun give any mentionable injury in this Connection. Sun is not much concerned with accidents or injuries of serious kind. It gives minor injuries, curable easily and quickly. However sun gives serious and severe beatings sometimes at the hands of government investigating agencies like police, customs and excise, anti-narcotics, anti-smuggling. Smuggling activities are directly concerned with the 8th house, and Sun concerns directly with government and administration.
  • Sun might however give injuries at an election meeting, at any procession, demonstration, picketing, political and religious rally, religious disturbance, because all these items reflect on efficiency of the administration.
  • Sun is not much or directly concerned with injury by animals, such as fall from horse, camel, donkey, elephant, or an attack or biting by cow, buffalo, dog, jackal, bear, tiger, panther, lion etc.
  • Sun is, in fact, very much concerned with bribes, whether one is in government or semi-government service or not. From this point floats the question of investigations about an individual’s Corrupt conduct, ultimately leading to punishment, if any, including fine, penalty, simple or rigorous imprisonment. But never a sentence of death, if any hard planet is not directly involved with Sun and the 8th house. Simple ownership of the 8th house by a hard planet also does not matter in this regard.
  • On the favorable side, Sun helps success in a competition or interview for entry into government or semi-government service, entry into active politics, liaison work in government departments, rendering help and support to politicians and bureaucrats in Powerful Positions (low or high).
  • However it is wrong on part of some less experienced astrologers that Sun in 8th house is harmful for father, his health is or longevity. No it is not so. On the other hand, Sun in 8th house is helpful to father with regard to his health, longevity and source of income. Sun helps in very cordial and helpful relationship between individual and the father.

Remedies –

Persons, who have SUN Planet in 8th House with good aspect and placement or lord of 8th house then he or she can wear Ruby Gemstone (Manik). This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Sun is placed with negative aspects then he or she must do Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Jaap










Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –


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