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SUN IN THE 6th HOUSE / Benefits of Sun in the Six House of Horoscope




Sun in the 6th House of Horoscope / Benefits of Sun in Sixth House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Sun in the 6th House of Horoscope –

This is one of the most helpful positions. It gives very cordial relations with mother’s brothers and sisters, and they too  on their  part try to be helpful to the individual.
It helps the individual fight illness and diseases, specially those relating to blood system and skin.
Sun helps in a positive and constructive manner in the fied of politics and political activity, as also in the field of administration and management, specially in government and public sector.


Surya-dev If Jupiter too is 5th, 9th or 10th house, or even in the 4th house, Sun and Jupiter together help the individual in reaching a legislature at state or national level. But if Mercury is with  Sun in the 6th house, the individual is rather unable to or at least ineffective in speaking from public stage as also in the Legislature and the chances of a second term becomes difficult for him or her.
Sun helps in suppression of or gaining, favourarable relationship with opponents, adversaries and to an extent die-hard enemies too.

The Western theory believes that Sun in 6th house gives differences with father, but Indian system does not attribute to this belief, because in reality 10th house rules father, and 6th house has 9: 5 relations with 10th house; therefore the question doesn’t arise. 9th house rules piles inheritance  of assets and liabilities from father (and grandfathers), but 6th house doesn’t have relationship of confrontation in this case too because of Kendra relationship between the two houses.
One important point is that Sun has no connection with business and industry as such, and being a service-oriented planet, Sun doesn’t help much in self-employment too, unless it is in the field of politics or administration or diplomacy of any kind. And conducive to these fields of activity, Sun gives an impressive personality with good health.

Remedies –

Persons, who have SUN Planet in 6th House with good aspect and placement or lord of 6th house then he or she can wear Ruby Gemstone (Manik). This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Sun is placed with negative aspects then he or she must do Aditya Hridya stotra and Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Jaap










Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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