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SUN IN THE 1ST HOUSE / Benefits of Sun in the 1st House of horoscope


Sun in 1st House of Horoscope

SUN IN THE 1ST HOUSE / Benefits of Sun in the 1st House of Horoscope / Characteristics of of Sun in the 1st House of Horoscope

This position of Sun gives a bad temper, non-flexible nature, un-adjustable with persons lacking in integrity, sometimes resulting in earning annoyance/ anger/ revenge from government officials and politicians. If these individuals have any dues from government offices or from government owned Organisations or local bodies, municipalities etc., payments get delayed and sometimes great spokes are put in by greedy or jealous officials. There are chances of goods produced or supplied by these individuals being partially or fully disapproved for non-official (or personal) reasons and selfish motives. These individuals fall easy victim, if in government or semi-government service or in government owned formations, to transfers to inconvenient posts and places. They might have to face enquiries and investigations about their conduct in office, extending even to their personal and private life, whether warranted or not.

In fact, Sun in the 1st house is a double-edged sword it can provide strength for the individual, and also a source of harassment and torture. However, these individuals are rarely labelled as inefficient or sluggish.

If these individuals find an entry into active politics, they have good chances of rising to power and prestige, irrespective of whatever little work they actually do or whatever duties are assigned to them initially.

sun and the planetsSometimes these individuals do not jump into political arena, but they remain in close contact with high placed dignitaries in politics and governance. If this Sun in 1st house is in its own Rasi (Leo) or in Virgo or Pisces or in Aries, these individuals earn a bad name for insubordination, whether they actually are so or not.

These individuals are vulnerable to poor eyesight, trouble with eye(s) in childhood, mild skin ailment now and then, and headache. Otherwise Sun doesn’t have much adverse effect on health.

This does not mean that these individuals do not go in for self-employment, business or any private venture or private service. Those fields are also open to them, but for any remarkable success, these individuals have to depend on the support of other stars to Sun in the 1st house. No doubt, in profession or self-employment, they make a mark for their devotion to work and honesty of purpose. But competitors and jealous persons often try to cut throat of these individuals, so much so that even their subordinates, employees, students and disciples try to harm them financially or hurt their feelings.

Often these individuals appear outwardly very ambitious, but inwardly, they are reserved and somewhat timid too, avoiding big risks. If Sun is alone in the 1st house, they stay honest, straightforward and rather outspoken but not to the extent of hurting the feelings of others.

One special influence of Sun in the 1st house is that these individuals have a limited number of progeny from their legal spouse, but do not hesitate to have progeny outside the wedlock (more applicable to men!)

Remedies –

Person, who have SUN Planet in First House with good aspect and placement or lord of first house then he or she can wear Ruby Gemstone (Manik). This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and good health. If Sun placed with negative aspects then he or she must chant Surya Jaap or do Surya Shanti Yagya.


manik-stone ruby-gemstone-ringsurya-jaap

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –


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