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SUN IN THE 10th HOUSE / Benefits of Sun in the Tenth House of Horoscope



Sun in the 10th House of Horoscope / Benefits of Sun in the Tenth House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Sun in the 10th House of Horoscope –

Sun in the 10th house
This is one of the most favorable positions of Sun in the birth-chart. Sun is Raja (King) among planets, 10th house is the Rajva-Bhava (profession, career, calling etc.) ruled by Sun (and also by Mars to an extent).
The 10th house concerns father and if Sun is there, it is beneficial to the father of the individual. Father is strict in discipline and affectionate in the same breath for such individuals. Sometimes the father is in government service or in active politics. In either case, the father finds less time to spend on upbringing of the individual, and makes it up by employing domestic servants and private tutors. The individual too serves the father very well in the latter’s old age or in any other kind of disability of the father. Even to grown up age, the individual has a kind of inner fear from father owing to father’s strict discipline in the individual’s childhood.
Father doesn’t normally interfere with married life of the individual. However father rarely approves of any love affair of the progeny upto the age of 18 years, and in case of any such development, tries his level best to put an end to it by all means and methods, direct or indirect.
In this context, remember that every individual is ruled by own planets, and the planets of the progeny or vice-versa have very little influence in the life of the other person, whatever the relationship between the two. The child can have at the most 5% influence on the planets of the father, while father has hardly 5 to 10% influence on the fate and fortune of the child, whether the father has only one child or more than one child.
The 10th house chiefly rules the question of main source of earnings and income. Therefore the matter needs to be studied in its full perspective, with special reference to the Rasi in the 10th house, position of its lord in the birth chart and an overall study of the Navamsha chart, in case of both male and female individuals. Ancient acharyas of astrology have attached importance to the lord of the 10th house from the 10 house in the birth chart (which means the lord of the 7th house) and its position in the Navamsha chart of both males and females. The Sapta-Varga strength of these two lords respectively of the 10th and 7th houses in the birth chart, and their relationship with the 10th house of the birth-chart has to be studied.
It is all the more important in this context to study the influence of the 5th house, as element of education is ruled by the 5th house and its lord. Thus the planets in the 5th house as also relationship of the 5th house lord with the 5th house and also with the 10th house assumes importance while studying the career and source of livelihood of any individual.
It has been observed in several case that the individual has totally departed or separated from the education received, and has gone into totally different profession, calling, employment, business or self-employment, sometimes including active politics and social work. Thus while dealing with an individual’s source of livelihood, besides a study of the 10th house (also 7th house), in the birth chart and in the Navamsha chart, the study should include the 5th house and its lord too. The 10th house has another importance as it rules father. In several cases, the individual follows the line of livelihood of the father, for example, a lawyer’s son or daughter becomes lawyer, medical man’s son or daughter is deemed fit for medical line, and quite often best efforts are made to bring the child into father’s line of livelihood. A father having main source of livelihood from rental income from properties or from agriculture often wishes that the son or the daughter too continues in the same line of livelihood, no doubt besides other line of livelihood too.
It is in the above context that Sun in the 10th house assumes special importance (no doubt other planets too in the 10th house have similar importance). Sun is more concerned with employment under government, semi-government or public sector or civic bodies like municipal services, or otherwise with active social and religious work (under the banner of the government or having a touch of governmental system).

Remedies –

Person, who have SUN Planet in Tenth House with good aspect and placement or lord of Tenth house then he or she can wear Ruby Gemstone (Manik). This will boost up their luck, name, fame, relationship with father, administration power and health improvement. If Sun placed with negative aspects then he or she must do Shiv Sahastra naam








Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –


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