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Some Mantras For Japa

Some Mantras For Japa

Some Mantras For Japa

Aum Gang Ganapataye Namaha-Aum

This Mantra is of Lord Ganesha (Ganapati), the Obstacle Remover. He is Married to “Riddhi†and “Siddhiâ€, so he gives all kind of riddhis and siddhis (physical and mental powers). He gives peace and prosperity.


Aum Aing Saraswatye Namah-Aum

Aing is the bij-akshar (seed syllable or condensed form of the larger mantra) of Saraswati, goddess of speech,              music, knowledge, and the fine arts. It should be repeated as many time you can to reach enlightened state.


Aum Kring Kalikaye Namah-Aum

Kring (or Krim, as it is called in madras) is the bij-akshar of the Divine Mother kali. The Number of japa prescribed is 500,000, and homa with 50,000 ahutis should be performed afterward.


Aum Aing Hring Kleeng Chamundaye Vichchey-Aum

This is the most popular mantra of the Divine Mother Durga, given in Chandi and Durga Saptshati (Tantric                  Scriptures). This Mantra should be repeated 500,000 times, and the fire worship should be performed with                  50,000 ahutis of the same mantra.


Aum Dung Durgaye Namah-Aum

This also is a mantra for Mother Durga. Dung is her bij-akshar.


Aum Hring Namah-Aum

Hring is the bij-akshar of the goddess of maya and is known as Tantric pranav, or Tantric sound. As Aum is for            Vedantics, so is Hring for tantrics. The performance of 500,000 japa and 50,000 ahutis of ghee and ashthagandh brings siddhis.


Aum Shring Hring Kleeng Maha Lakshmaye Namah-Aum

Shring is Lakshmi bija. The Prescribed number for japa is 100,000, and 10,000 ahutis of ghee and samigri bring Mother Lakshmi’s Blessings in the form of peace, prosperity, and harmony.


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