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Benefits of Saturn in 7th House of Horoscope-

Saturn in the 7th House of Horoscope-

7th House

Saturn in the 7th House / Benefits of Saturn in 7th House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Saturn in 7th House of Horoscope-

Benefits of Saturn in 7th House of Horoscope-

One of the difficult positions of Saturn, because —

(a) it delays marriage.

(b) It sometimes leads to pre-marital affair, specially if it is under any kind of influence of Venus after the age of 14-16 years, and if it is Mercury’s influence over Saturn, the affair would be at the stage of school or college life.

(c) Adversely affects harmony between husband and wife during the initial years of married life.

(d) It gives quarrels and disputes in deals/transactions involving sale or purchase of any item of high price.

(e) It delays decisions in business transactions with the result that sometimes a good transaction slips out of hand because of the delay.

(f) It encourages the individual towards extra-marital affair.

(g) It also encourages tendency for litigation, without much bothering about results/outcome.

(h) It induces the individual to go out of native town/district/state/ country and settle elsewhere for better scope in life.

(i) Saturn is directly connected with venereal diseases and also with AIDS and allied troubles.

(j) Though normally it is believed that only Mars or Sun give injury with bleeding, but Saturn in the 7th house is fully capable of giving an injury leading to wound, and its delayed recovery.

(k) In Ayn Rands world famous novel, Fountainhead, the first husband of the main woman character, Dominique, in a sense

strikes a deal to share his wife for $ 2,500,000 with a press tycoon; such a husband must have Saturn in the 7th house to do so.
In other words, a husband or wife permits the spouse to share bed with another person for some reason or consideration which is one of the results of Saturn in the 7th house.
Saturn in the 7th house also causes circumstantial or judicial separation or separate living of husband and wife. This can ultimately lead to divorce, specially if Mars (and sometimes Jupiter too, where more of legal grounds are involved)) extend a helping hand to Saturn in this behalf.

(m)Enemy action on individual level or group level or fighting in a battle or any other kind of fighting leading to an injury or big wound to the individual.
(n) Lack of full or partial sexual vitality in the individual.
(o) Tendency to join or work for criminal or unlawful activity, or to have association with or support to it. Against all these minus points, the big point is that this Position of Saturn normally tends to give an upper hand to the individual in all disputes, fights litigation and transactions, business deals etc.
Remedies –

Person, who have Saturn Planet in 7th House with good aspect and placement or lord of 7th  house then he or she can wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam Quality) Gemstone. click here to view our product This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Saturn placed with negative aspects then he or she do Rudrabhishek .

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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