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Benefits of Saturn in 3rd House of Horoscope-

Saturn in the  3rd  House of Ho3rd Houseroscope- 

Saturn in the 3rd House / Benefits of Saturn in 3rd House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Saturn in 3rd House of Horoscope-

Benefits of Saturn in 3rd House of Horoscope-

This is one of the best positions for Saturn. It helps the individual to work hard, gives courage and boldness to face difficulties and hard-line opponents.
The strategy adopted by the individual often proves correct and successful.

The individual can prove an efficient and result-oriented police officer, defence officer, ordnance scientist, surveyor of enemy areas including enemy’s defence formations on the border and within the country.
In case posted in the armed forces or paratrooper or bombardier, the individual, whether man or woman, proves efficient and successful in discharge of duties and responsibilities.

The individual often extends a helpful hand to brother, sister or cousin, but does not normally exhibit outwardly love and affection for all of them or some of them. In the same manner, the individual suffers, occasionally only, leg pulling by a brother/sister or cousin.
However in this context, one thing is sure — either side doesn’t hesitate to render physical service/help to one another as and when needed.

However when Saturn is “Bhatri-karaka”(ruler of brother and sister element at birth) in the Karaka chart or Capricorn is in the 3rd house, or Mars is occupying the 9th house and casting full drishti on Saturn in the 3rd house, there is risk to the life or limb of the younger brother or sister.

The most important part of the 3rd house Saturn is that this is the 6th position from the 10th house, which rules career, profession, business, job, and means of livelihood.

Thus this position of Saturn helps in winning over or wiping out enemies, opponents, adversaries etc., without much burden on the purse. It applies all the more for trade union leaders, scientists, technocrats,industry owners, managers in industrial units, defence personnel, pilots, locomotive drivers and technicians Workintrain. It also applies to persons running large-scale agricultural farms, labour-suppliers and persons running placement services those in the trading of petrol, lubricants, diesel and allied oil etc., also traders in oilseeds.
This individual commands respect in society for hard work, foresightedness and single-aimed progress.

If an individual runs Saturn mahadasa in the prime youth, or gets Saturn’s antardasa in Venus or Mercury or jupiter mahadasa when the individual is at the threshold of entering into self-earning, it is almost sure, the individual will achieve best success in his work and livelihood.

Saturn in the 3rd sometimes brings jealousy from uncles aunts, and spouses of brothers, sisters, cousins, or a brother or sister of the spouse.

In the normal course these people are unable to cause any harm or damage to the individual except creating heartburn or anxiety or side-worry.

It is always advisable for these individuals not to go into partnership business with any uncle or aunt or possess property in joint names with uncle or aunt. If it is a question of inheritance, it is always better to part company When relations are sweet and soft.

Another important point is that these individuals should always maintain respectable distance with spouses of brothers, sisters and cousins, notwithstanding whether the individual is a man or a woman.
In sports and games, at playgrounds, in adolescent or early youth years, these individuals might cause a serious injury or bone injury to a player of own side or other side or to a spectator. A little extra caution is always better on part of these individuals.

These individuals are normally charge on the personal purse of the natural or foster or adopting mother, but without hurting her feelings. They rarely lose their due share in inheritance from mother’s side, and in some cases they get a lion’s share openly or secretly.

In student life and competitions, these individuals do not hesitate in use of unfair means, specially because, they do not deem ‘unfair means’ as unfair; they actually think everything is fair in Examinations!

Remedies –

Person, who have Saturn Planet in 3rd House with good aspect and placement or lord of 3rd  house then he or she can wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam Quality)  Gemstone.lick here to view our product  This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Saturn placed with negative aspects then he or she do Shani shanti Yagya 

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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