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Saturn in the 10th House of Horoscope-

Saturn in the 10th House of Horoscope-

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Saturn in the 10th House / Benefits of Saturn in 10th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Saturn in 10th House of Horoscope-

Benefits of Saturn in 10th House of Horoscope-

This is rather a delicate position of Saturn, because it can help or hit in the same breath. The individual has to be very careful, alert and cautious in one’s acts and actions, keep mind awakened while dealing eith employees, subordinates, servants and labour as also followers in politics, religious astivities and trade union leadership. In this behalf, some points are very important, viz.,

  • Which house are owned by Saturn and how those two houses are placed with relation to the 10th house,
  • Which planet is the lord of the 10th house and what is the relationship, on permanent basis relationship and relationship at the time of birth which is known as Tatkaalik relationship. and how are the two stars placed in the Birth-chart and Navamsha-chart with relation to each other. To make the point clear, suppose, the 1.0th house is owned by Mercury, which is a friend of Saturn in permanent relationship. However ifMercury is positioned in the Birth-chart 5 houses away from the lOth house, it has got enemy-type relationship with Saturn at the time of birth. Because Mercury and Saturn have Trikona (5:9) relationship in the Birth-chart, on the whole Saturn would give good results in the 10th house.
  • Let us take a second example. Suppose Sun is the lord of the 10th house. Saturn and Sun (though believed to be son and father) are enemies to each other in permanent relationship. Then Sun is sitting in the 6th place from Saturn (i.e. in the 3rd house), the relationship at the time of birth is also that of an enemy and naturally it would be presumed that Sun would adversely affect good results of Saturn in the 10`” house. Normally Sun is favourable in the 3rd house. Sun would give results adverse to the interests of Saturn in the 10th house, mainly because in the Birth-chart Saturn and Sun have 6:8 relationship with each other.
  • Let us take another example with Sun itself. Suppose Sun is in the 9th or the 11th house, it is friendly with Saturn at the time birth, and on the whole Sun would not interfere with beneficial functioning of Saturn in the 10th, and Sun would extend some good support to Saturn.
  • A third supposed position of Sun could be in the 8th or the 12th house. In this position, though Sun is friendly with Saturn in birth-time relationship. Sun would create problems and troubles for the individual because Sun is in the 9th or the I2th house.and the same position of Sun would hinder beneficial maiming of Saturn in the 10th house.
  • Then suppose Saturn- owned Rasis (Capricorn and Aquarious) are in the 1st and 2nd houses, these positions are vey helpful to Saturn’s functioning and thus beneficial to the individual. But suppose, these Rasis are in the 12th and the 1st houses, Capricorn in the 12th is detrimental to Saturn’s beneficial attitude for the individual, while Aquarius in the 1st house would prove helpful to Saturn in the 10th house. Thus the effect of the Saturn-owned Rasis countermanded each other and Saturn is free to function on its own, with no impact of Rasis owned by it.

Suppose Capricorn and Aquarius are in the 4th and 5th houses or even in 3rd and 4th houses. These positions of Saturn-owned Rasis would prove helpful to Saturn in beneficial functioning for the individual, because ownership of even the 3rd house (inspite of its 6th position from Saturn in 10th house) is beneficial to Saturn’s beneficial functioning in an overall manner. But the positions of Capricorn and Aquarius in the 4th and 5th house would not be very beneficial to the individual through Saturn in the 10th house.

Then suppose, Saturn is lord of 5th and 6th houses, the efect is mutually countermanded, because Saturn’s ownership of the 6th house is beneficial, while of the 5th house is not.

Let us take another example. Suppose Saturn is lord of the 7th and 8th house. Though 7th house has a Kendra relationship with Saturn in the 10th, Saturn’s ownership of the 7th house is harmful to the individual, while ownership of the 8th house is beneficial on the whole for the individual, and thus Saturn would give mixed results to the individual.

Yet another example would suffice in this matter. Suppose Saturn is lord of the 11th and 12th houses, its results with regard to the 10th house would be a mixed fare. On one hand Saturn is very favourable being lord of the 11th house, but its favourability is reduced owing to 11th lord occupying 12th house. Otherwise too Saturn’s ownership of the 12th house is not beneficial to the individual. Also the unfavourable results of the 12th house having Aquarius in it is because lord of the 12th house (Saturn) is occupying the 11th position from the 12th house.

All this is a very delicate matter and should be studied with full attention keeping in mind all related relationships.

Then the question remains of Saturn being lord of the 10th house itself and the 9th or the 11th house in addition. If it is the lord of the 9th house also, it assumes lordship of both, a Kendra and a Trikona and thus even being a hard star, it is beneficial to the individual in its own way. It includes gains from charitable, social, religious organisations, gains from side business (if the individual is in employment), gains from leadership in tradeunion or any other labour or agricultural organisation. It would also include gains from politics, running or managing and industry, placement service, dealing in old or new auto vechicles, dealing in machinery and their spare parts, and all such other lines as are attributable to Saturn.

However in case Saturn is lord of the 10th and the 11th house, it would ensure success as leader of a trade-union, labour or agricultural organisation or in politics or administrative formation. It helps getting selected or elected to a position of power including membership of parliament, senate, any legislature or panchayat or similar public administration formation, higher income than expectation and anticipation by fair and unfair means. At the same time Saturn in 11th house would adversely affect the education and to some extent the general health of progeny, unless the stars of the progeny itself are very strong to countermand the adverse effect of Saturn in the 11th house.

So much emhasis has been given to Saturn’s position in the 10th house, because the 10th house mainly relates to source of livelihood and fair or unfair means of income, as also gains or no gains from the father.

Thus it is clear that as compared to other stars or as compared to Saturn’s position in other houses, it matters considerably, for prediction purposes, which houses in the Birth-chart are owned by Saturn. Saturn is helpful in the house occupied by it (by both fair and unfair means and methods), it is in a way harmful for the house it aspects directly (it being the 4th house), though indirectly it aspects the 11th, 12th, 6th and 7th houses as well.

It means that while occupying the 10th house, it is in a way unfavourable to the 4th house, which rules mother, conveyance or means of transport, middle parts of the body including heart and digestive system, food, property, friends and domestic happiness or unhappiness.

It has been generally observed that when Saturn is in the 10th house, the individual is deprived of shelter and protection of one of the parents before the individual completes 23rd year of age.  Saturn in the 10th could also develop a gulf in communication or in relationship between the individual and one of the parents. The individual could also be brought up or looked after in childhood by some blood relation other than the parents, particularly if Sun or Moon be in the 4th or the 9th house; it can be an adopting father or mother, whether a blood relation or not.

When talking of adoption it is kept in mind that there are growing incidents of newly born babies being abandoned on roads, garbage-bins, at doors of places of worship or orphanages, and therefore it is not necessary that adoption is from relations; it has come to be believed that kids are adopted by any kind of parent (in no way related to the child).

Overlooking this important point would harm the predictive science. In ancient times too, newly born were abandoned by their mothers or others on behalf of the mothers, most glaring examples being those of Kunti and Karna (in the Hindu epic ‘ Mahabharar’ ), or that of ‘Shakuntala’, whose son’s name was Bharat, (wherefrom India derived its name ‘ Bharat-varshi ‘ are enough. Birth-charts of Karna and the beautiful Shakuntala are not known now to anyone. Whatever the position of other stars, it can safely be presumed they had Saturn in the 10th house in a strong position. That Saturn in the 10th house adversely affect the 4th house, which ruled, among other rhings, the natural mother.

Saturn in the 10th house brings support in matters of selection and election of the individual from unexpected quarters too, like labour organisations, caste or communal formations, religious bodies, women’s organisations, big farm owners influencing their employees in favour of the individual.

If Saturn is in a watery Sign, there are chances that the individual would go oversees for seeking means of livelihood and big fortune in terms of name, fame and money. If Saturn is in a cardinal Sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), chances are that the individual would move out of the native village. town, city, district, county or state to other place for seeking better means of livelihood.

It could also for any other reason such as to escape legal action for civil or criminal offence or on account of excommunication by caste, community, religion or the local administration etc.

In other words, it can be said that Saturn in. the 10th house, for good or bad, disturbs the individual’s constant and permanent relationship with parents and residence at the native village or town. However it has to be noted that in any planetary influence where another person is involved, it should be borne in mind that the stars of the other person would also adversely or favourably or protectively affect the situation. The stars of the other person or person thus support or countermand the adverse influence of Saturn in the individual’s Birth-chart.

However it is abundantly clear that Saturn’s the 10th house warrants special and concentrated study.

Another interesting point is that Saturn in the 10th house leads an individual to source of livelihood other than that of parents. Suppose the parents are in the industrial line. the individual might deviate therefrom, while on the other hand if the line had no link or concern whatsoever with industrial line in the 10th house might induce the individual to adopt industrial line for main or supplementary source of income.

Remedies –

Person, who have Saturn Planet in 10th House with good aspect and placement or lord of 10th  house then he or she can wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam Quality)  Gemstone. click here to view our product This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Saturn placed with negative aspects then he or she do Mrityunjaya mantra .

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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