Rudraksha, Pranayam and Yog
Vikas December 5, 2021 in
Astrology Rudraksha, Pranayam and Yog

Rudraksha has been known for a range of benefits like spirituality, health, prosperity and resolution of psychological issues, fear or problems involving emotions. Removal of fear is the basic characteristics of these beads. Rudraksha is also useful as a medicinal herb, especially for cardiac problems, blood pressure and mental disorders. It also improves intelligence. Rudraksha is helpful in achieving calmness of mind that can lead us to a super-conscious and divine state of thoughts and search for our own source and objective of life. All great souls in any period of history could achieve their pure objectives only because they were calm, fearless and self-confident. Rudraksha is a useful tool in traversing this path as it activates and motivates the mind to reach a state of calmness, necessary to take up this task.
There are many types of Rudraksha are there they are of different faces. Rudrakshas are available in 1(one) Mukhi- 21(twenty-one) Mukhi.
An answer to the perennial question about the objective of our birth in this world and how to fulfill the tasks earmarked lies in understanding the four basic principles- Dharm(designated duties), Arth (wealth and materials), Kaam (pleasure and self contentment), and Moksh,(liberation from the cycle of birth and death). The great Rishis of the past have outlined these principles as the objectives by having two basic factors- a healthy body and concentration of mind.
1. Pranayam
If we can somehow check the depleting number of active body cells, then the energy in the body can always be maintained. Pranayam is to control the dimensions of the breathing (called pran). By doing pranayam one can control decay of the body cells and thus remain healthy throughout one’s life.
Our knowledge senses control the inhaling of air and physical senses control the exhaling of air. This two-way flow of Pran controls the life form. Controlling these flows of breathing is pranayam. In fact, pranayam is not just for good health. It is a prerequisite for developing concentration and for mediation, jap and yog.
It is also important to know that for doing pranayam in a perfect way, purification and preparation of the body by doing any or all of the following six forms of karma are useful:
Dhauti (putting a cloth through the mouth and into the intestine and then taking it out)
Vasti (enema to clean the bowels)
Neti (In thread neti, a thread is inserted through the nose and taken out from mouth. In jal neti, water is sucked in through the nose and thrown out from the mouth).
Tratak (looking at an object without blinking the eye until tears come in the eyes is known as tratak. One can look at a lighted flame of candle).
Nauli (This is rolling the intestines from left to right and right to left and also in the middle. Recommended for people under 40, this is an excellent exercise to strengthen digestive powers and curing several diseases of liver, kidneys or stomach).
Kapal Bhati (It is done by exhaling air from the stomach in a rhythmic manner. The stroke is given from inside and air is exhaled. There are other variations like breathing in from left nostril and breathing out from right and vice versa. Kapal bhati is also done by sucking water from mouth and throwing it out from nostrils.
Pranayam are of eight types:
i) Surya Bhedan (ii) Ujjai (iii) Seetkari iv) Sheetali v)Bhasrika
(vi) Bhramari (vii) Murchya (viii) Plavini
All these methods should be learned from an expert and should be done for specific times and with full precautions.
Good prayanam practices lead to awakening of Kundilini. This is a nerve, which normally lies in sleeping stage at the bottom of the spinal chord (at the muladhar chakra) with its mouth facing the bottom side. After Kundilini awakening, one gets the light of the cosmos within the body itself and enjoys the highest level of inner pleasure. However, it is a complicated subject and it should be attempted only under a successful Yogi.
2. Prtayahar
It is control of the senses by focusing the mind inward. The following six habits are responsible for a shaky state of mind: desire, anger, greed, attachment, ego and laziness. If these six feelings are controlled, one can achieve pratyahar as one will then start focusing within oneself. Ultimately, it is the state of vairagya which is attained by looking inward and finding answer to the perennial questions as to why we have come to this world and what are our responsibilities. The sense can be controlled only if our objectives for life are well defined and are above the normal human perception.
3. Dharana
Dharana means capability to absorb and face self-realization. It is like making one worthy for the great objectives for which one has done rigorous practice through the above five types of yog- yam, niyam, asan, pranayam and pratyahar. It is reposing faith in the Almighty and total surrender to him which make you worthy for dharana.
4. Dhyan
Dhyan is called meditation. Dhyan is the control of the ever-fluctuating mind. There are two states of chitta- one having speed and the other static. In the state of speed, the mind is unstable and the static state is dhyan. It is focusing at one point and becoming one with what you meditate for.
5. Samadhi
It is the ultimate aim of yog and the highest level for it. Maharishi Patanjali says tasya vachakah jajjpastadarth bhavanam, meaning the spoken form of the lord is Om (pranav). By chanting it and going deep into it and understanding the meaning of it is Samadhi. When the objective itself becomes less important and the desires from heart become almost none, then the stage of Samadhi is reached. Samadhi can be of six types:
• Dhyanyog Samadhi
• Nadyog Samadhi
• Rasanandyog Samadhi
• Laysiddhiyog Samadhi
• Bhktiyog Samadhi
• Rajyog Samadhi
These stages are for those whose aim in life is to explore the outer boundaries and have different objectives of life, which these days are even difficult to express. Samadhi takes you to the level of Brahma and oneness exists then with the supreme lord. Rudraksha shall be with you to achieve successs in each stage of the above Ashtang Yog.
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