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Benefits of Rahu in 9th House of Horoscope-

Rahu in the 9th House of Horoscope-

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RAHU IN 9th HOUSE / Benefits of Rahu in 9th House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Rahu in 9th House of Horoscope –

Benefits of Rahu in 9th House of Horoscope-

Rahu alone in the 9th house is not very effective unless it is in conjunction with some other planet or it enjoys direct drishti from the lord of the 9th house.

Further on account of Rahu in the 9th house, the individual changes colour (of nature and relations with people) according to the planet with conjunction with Rahu in the 9th house. If there be no other planet in the 9th house with Rahu, it would follow in the footsteps of the lord of the 9th house.

In case the planet in conjunction with Rahu in the 9th house is a soft planet, (Mercury, Venus or Jupiter) Rahu would help in the advancement of the good luck of the individual. Rahu and its accompanying star would make the individual quite religious by mind and action, and if the accompanying is lord of the 9th, 10th or 11th or the 5th house, the individual would be associated with some non-governmental organisation (NGO) concerned with charitable, social or religious activity. The same results will be there for the individual if the 9th house is owned by any of these soft planets (excluding Moon) and that lord of the 9th house is occupying the 5th, 10th or 11th house in the birth-chart.

It might have been noticed that while discussing the soft stars in conjunction with Rahu in the 9th house, Moon has not been included. It is not an oversight. It is intentional. Moon in conjunction with Rahu, whatever the Rasi there, constitutes ECLIPSE combination, which means Moon is not free to act in the company of Rahu and it would give merely subdued results of good luck and religious/ social/ charitable activity for the individual. But Moon would give full results if it owns the 9th house and is sitting away from Rahu in the 5th, 10th or 11th house. It has to be noted that if Moon is in the bright half of the month, the good results are more or less guaranteed. It is known as the waxing process of Moon.

However, if the Moon is in waning process of Moon (as in the dark half of the month), its’ results would be barely half or even less than that, depending on how close it is to the “Non-Moon day (Amavasya)â€.
On the other hand, if Rahu in conjunction with Mars, Saturn or Harschell (Uranus), the individual would be deceitful in matters related to the management of religious/ charitable/ social organisations, and the individual would constantly be making efforts to gain more power and position in the concerned non-governmental organisation(s). In other matters too, the individual would not hesitate to encroach upon rights and possessions of others, including brothers, sisters and cousins.

When the 9th house is owned by Mars, Saturn or Sun or and the lord of the house is positioned in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th or the 12th house, the individual will be overpowered by selfish motives and ruthlessness in fulfilment of those motives. The individual would not normally distinguish between whom to hurt and whom to spare. The individual would have no hesitation in piracy of literary, charitable, social, religious works and achievements of others, including fellow workers, colleagues, subordinates and friends too.

The individual would develop the tendency to back-bite others, run down those who do good to the individual (which can be termed ungratefulness), and the individual might have no hitch in harming or hurting the person who has done well to the individual. The individual’s selfish motive is on top of everything in life.

It has also to be noted that whether Rahu is alone in the 9th house or is in conjunction with any soft or hard planet, the individual suffers from a hidden sense of fear and timidity. They might fail to prove their worth at a moment and place or at situation warranting chivalry, boldness, bravery and courage. It is also a quality of these individuals that they are happy with distant relations and try to keep away or remain disinterested in the affairs of real brothers, sisters or cousins. These individuals indulge in flattery and expect flattery, which can hardly be expected from real brothers, sisters or cousins.

If Sun, Mars or Saturn accompanies Rahu in the 9th house-the individual would try to usurp rightful possessions/ assets money and wealth of brother, sister, cousin or even an uncle or aunt by unfair/unjustified means and methods. This is very much true when the individual is running Rahu Mahadasa with Antardasa of Sun, Mars or Saturn or vice-versa, that is, Mahahadasa of sun or Mars or Saturn with Antardasa of Rahu therein.

Individuals having Rahu in the 9th house, whether accompanied by any other planet or not, are not very trustworthy and dependable in political matters. They take no time in changing colour and changing party of their affiliation. It’s best examples can be found in Indian politics since early 1950’s. And in case Moon in the waning process is within 12 degrees of Rahu in the 9th house, these individuals would not let their mind known even to their godfathers, patrons, faithful followers and financiers when they change colour or party of affiliation. In case Saturn is within 15 degrees of Rahu in the 9th house, the individual would take a good portion of his companions, colleagues and followers to the other political party.

Remedies –
Person, who have RAHU Planet in Ninth House with good aspect and placement or lord of Ninth house then he or she can wear Hessonite (Gomed) Gemstone. This will boost up their luck, name, fame, relationship with father, administration power and health improvement. If RAHU placed with negative aspects then he or she must do Rahu Jaap.

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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