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Benefits of Rahu in 8th House of Horoscope-

Rahu in the 8th House of Horoscope-

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RAHU IN 8th HOUSE / Benefits of Rahu in 8th House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Rahu in 8th House of Horoscope –

Benefits of Rahu in 8th House of Horoscope-

The first thing Rahu does in the 8th house is to give obesity to the individual, specially during Rahu’s own mahadasa or during Saturn’s transit over the 8th house. It becomes rather difficult to shed the flab given by Rahu, though by effort, the weight fluctuates, reduces by physical exercise or going for a walk daily: and when the exercise or walking is stopped, the weight returns to its pre-exercise level in most cases.

Rahu gives a fall from higher level, from a raised bed or “Jhula in childhood, but unless Saturn is concerned with the house, the injury given by Rahu is not serious and gets cured easily and quickly. In accidents too, when Rahu is alone in the 8th house, the injury would be less harmful and less severe. But when Saturn too is in 8th or 2nd house it can be a fracture of bone(s).

Rahu in the 8th house, during its mahadasa or antardasa, may give complaints of piles or fistula etc.
Then in some cases, depending on the background of the individual during educational stage and post-education days, Rahu may give a tendency towards smuggling of consumer goods, commodities and in some rare cases, kidnapping and smuggling of kids and grown ups, including trade in flesh. Rahu in this position, may lead to tendency for other crimes too, but much depends on the others planets in conjunction with Rahu in the 8th house or casting drishti on Rahu directly from the 2nd house. Remember that Rahu is a shadow planet, and is capable of giving concrete results only when it is in conjunction with any solid planet like Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or Saturn.
Of these, the combination with Moon in the 8th house often leads to mental problems, viz., weak memory, forgetfulness, not remembering faces of persons or their names/ surnames etc., mental disturbance, worry-oriented nature, partial or near-complete mental disorder, sometimes leading to partial or near-complete insanity. In this combination, much depends on the Rasi in the 8th house. If it is Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio or Pisces, chances of mental disorder are very strong, and preventive measures should be taken in the childhood itself or as soon as even remote possibility of it comes to notice of the parents or guardians.

Another unfavourable effect of Rahu in the 8th house is of an injury to the individual by four-legged animals, snakes and reptiles, crocodiles (if a watery Rasi is in the 8th house or Moon or Venus be in conjunction with Rahu in the 8th house). Rahu can even lead to rabies trouble, in which case, immediate medical treatment is the only remedy.

In the early 1940’s, the ruling Maharajah of a princely Indian state (Jhalawar) in lower Rajasthan had Rahu in the 8th house and he was running Rahu mahadasa with Rahu antardasa. During Dussera festival in October, the elephant the Maharajah was riding suddenly went amok and there were fears that the maharajah might be thrown of and crushed under the feet of the elephant. One of the horse-riders of the state cavalry, who were also part of the festive procession, swiftly took out his sword and chopped the trunk of the amok elephant, and thus saved the life of the Ruler of his state.

Rahu in the 8th house, if in watery Rasi, can give risk to the individual from water, (still-water or flowing) pond, tank, well, river, sea, or ocean. The periodicity has to be fixed by checking the mahadasa and antardasa of Rahu and of the lord of the watery Rasi or vice-versa. In such cases, the progressive Yearly-chart gives very correct and specific guidance.

If Rahu is alone in the 8th house, it can give an injury to the individual in any quarrel, fighting, movement, demonstration, procession, mass violence, action by militancy; but Rahu alone in the 8th house would not cause death, not even permanent invalidity, incapacity etc.

No doubt Rahu can cause, even if alone in the 8th house, some long term illness or disease, which doesn’t prove fatal so long as another planet’s fatal influence does not associate with Rahu in the 8th house.
Rahu in the 8th house can cause differences with spouse or her/ his family over matters related to money and other assets, because Rahu leads to the richness of the spouse, which the individual may or may not cherish, ultimately leading to differences between husband and wife, or between lovers.

Remedies –

Person, who have RAHU Planet in 8th House with good aspect and placement or lord of 8th house then he or she can wear Hessonite (Gomed) Gemstone. This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and good health. If RAHU placed with negative aspects then he or she must do in Person,  Durga Saptashati.

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –


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