More than 4 generations old family tradition (Since 1937) of dealing in Pure Astro-Vedic quality jyotish gemstones, high quality genuine Rudrakshas and Authentic Vedic Yagyas.
White Sapphire for Venus. Venus is the planet governing love, romance, beauty, and sensuality. Being a great benefic, it is responsible for determinations of material wealth and prosperity, and most especially marriage or relationships. Luxuries of homes and vehicles fall under the rulership of Venus, and all types of artists ranging from painters, musicians, and actors to persons in the scientific and medical fields are connected to Venus as well. Those persons who have businesses dealing in art, gems, or sensual products must undoubtedly have a strong Venus in their natal chart in order to achieve any substantial success.
With Venus showing strength, one has great charisma and a loving influence upon others. There is a considerate nature toward others as well as great attraction for the beautiful things in life. Wealth and an abundance of personal effects are gained by those who have a well-situated Venus at birth.
Should Venus be weak or afflicted at birth, it usually portends relationship and/or marriage difficulties. Feelings are hard to put into words or to express to others, and one may not feel much affection for others either. General insensitivity or coarse behavior may also be present depending on the severity of the affliction to this planet. Physically many health problems may ensue, and there are often concerns regarding infertility. White Sapphire is the gem recommended to strengthen the benefic cosmic rays of Venus.
When Aries is the ascendant, Mars is the ascendant ruler. Although Venus here rules the 2nd and 7th houses, due to an inimical relationship between these two planets, it is generally not recommended that one wear a White Sapphire. It may be possible only during the dasha or bhuktis of Venus, and even then we rarely prescribe it.
For Taurus ascendants Venus is the lord, owning also the 6th house. Wearing a White Sapphire is auspicious and may increase gains in wealth and prosperity of many kinds. It may also be favorable for one’s health, but as the White Sapphire will increase one’s sensual desires as well, some extra caution is necessary to avoid overindulgence.
With Gemini on the ascendant Mercury becomes the ruling planet. There is a friendly relationship between Venus and Mercury, and a White Sapphire may be suitable. Venus rules both the auspicious 5th house as well as the 12th, so the gem may help in family affairs especially in bearing children—and also increase one’s financial prosperity.
For Cancer ascendants the Moon is the ruler. There is an inimical relationship between these two planets, so although Venus rules both the 4th and 11th houses, we usually will not recommend the use of a White Sapphire. The exception may be during the planetary periods of Venus.
Leo ascendants are ruled by the Sun, whereupon Venus rules the 3rd and 10th houses. Again we have an inimical planetary relationship, so we do not recommend wearing a White Sapphire except possibly during the dasha or bhuktis of Venus,
For Virgo ascendants Mercury is the lord, and a favorable relationship with Venus prevails here. Venus rules the 2nd and 9th houses, so wearing a White Sapphire may increase gains in wealth, career, and social standing.
With Libra ascendant Venus is the ascendant lord as well as lord of the 8th house. Depending on the position of Venus it may or may not be advisable to wear a White Sapphire. If it is in a good position, then there may be an increase in material wealth or success in one’s career and business. If not, it may bring further trouble due to its having lordship of the inauspicious 8th house.
For Scorpio ascendants Mars is the planet Which rules, and its relationship with Venus is as an enemy. Here Venus rules both the 7th and 12th houses, and thus a White Sapphire recommended for this ascendant as it can create stress and unhappiness, especially in relationships. I have never yet recommended a White Sapphire to a Scorpio ascendant in all my many years of work in this field.
When Sagittarius is the ascendant Jupiter is the ruler. There is likewise an inimical relationship with this lord for Venus, who also rules the 6th and 11th houses. Only if Venus creates an amala yoga or a malavya yoga can a White Sapphire be worn during the Planetary periods of Venus.
For Capricorn ascendants Saturn is the ruler and has a friendly relationship with Venus. Venus also creates a raja yoga for this ascendant, owning the auspicious 5th and 10th houses together. A White Sapphire may be recommended here and will increase one’s Prosperity in wealth, career, influence, and matters pertaining to family.
When Aquarius is ascendant Saturn is again the ascendant lord, so the friendly relationship ‘continues.’ Once more Venus will create a raja yoga by its rulership of both the 4th and 9th houses, and as with Capricorn ascendants, wearing a White Sapphire may bring boons in all of the same categories of life.
For Pisces ascendants Jupiter is the ascendant lord and has an inimical relationship with Venus. Here Venus rules a very inauspicious combination of houses, the 3rd and the 8th. White Sapphire should never be worn by those born under this ascendant.
With Venus tenanting the 1st house wearing a White Sapphire may increase artistic inclinations or musical ability. It is helpful for teachers or those in positions of prominence or influence. It may bring more wealth and sensual opportunities, but can also subsequently impel one toward overindulgence which can lead to weight gain or loss of strength in one’s immune system.
With Venus in the 2nd house a White Sapphire may help in ones speaking ability, earning potential, or sexual opportunities. For those who speak to large groups of people it may be especially empowering.
When Venus is in the 3rd house a White Sapphire may have a positive effect on one’s artistic creativity. Writers or salespersons may find extra benefit from wearing this gemstone.
For those with Venus in the 4th house many positive benefits may ensue from utilizing a White Sapphire. It can help in gains of valuable properties, automobiles, or other assets. Educational endeavors as either a teacher or student may also be most favorably influenced.
With Venus in the 5th house position there may be great gain from financial investments as a result of wearing a White Sapphire. Those in the entertainment field generally find extremely good benefits also, and the gem may be favorable for those engaged as teachers or counselors as well.
With Venus in the 6th house a White Sapphire can also often have benefic effects. It can help in legal difficulties or competition with others, and may also bring relief to those who are overburdened with expenses if aspects in the chart denote its recommendation.
When Venus is in the 7th house, especially careful consideration would precede recommendation of the White Sapphire as it could intensify trouble in relationships or marriage. One of the principal ways in which the gem does this is by increasing one’s sexual desires, thereby bringing great frustration and unhappiness into the situation.
When Venus tenants the 8th house and is a friend to the ascendant lord, wearing a White Sapphire may have beneficial effects. It may help in spiritual endeavors or with personal relationships. But as the 8th house is inauspicious, Potential escalation of problems within relationships could also happen depending on the ascendant lord and his aspects within one’s horoscope.
When Venus is in the 9th house many benefits increased by wearing a White Sapphire. It may increase one’s wealth and fame, yet at the same time favorably influence one’s charitable or spiritual endeavors. If the ascendant lord is friendly, generally only good effects will be felt from the gem’s use.
Venus in the 10th house is an auspicious position which creates both amala and malavya yogas and would be further enhanced through the wearing of a White Sapphire. Businesses in art would further prosper, and the reputations and talents of artists in all fields would flourish.
If Venus takes the 11th house position there may again be an increase in all types of benefits through the wearing of a White Sapphire. It could be helpful in regard to marriage or in matters concerning children, and would increase one’s monetary wealth as well as one’s influence over others.
When Venus tenants the 12th house great consideration must again be taken before deciding on the recommendation of a White Sapphire. Here Venus usually makes a person very sensually inclined, so increasing this energy may make a person sexually obsessive or overindulgent in luxuries. In older persons it may be more suitable as it would tend to enhance the spiritual aspects of the 12th house along with whatever piety was already inherent in the person’s nature.
Genuine Products and Satisfied Customers are our first and foremost priority
Firstly, I want to give compliment to the website. By chance, I came to know the shop from the Internet only. The design of the website attract me a lot as well as it gives many useful knowledge about Astrology, gemstones, etc. After that, I feel thankful to Mr.Vikas Ji and his staffs for their understanding, support me from A to Z and help me solve all my problems. Whatever I don\'t understand, they guide me very slowly, clearly and remove all my doubts. They are great people - I have to say!!! Thanks a ton. Finally, the products are very good and give me positive result till now (nearly 3 months). The rings are well-designed - even many Indians, they also gave me compliments on the rings; the gems are high quality - very stunning. Just only compliments - no any doubts. I definitely come back and purchase more products from this shop. In the future, if anyone need Astrology products, I will highly recommend Pure Vedic Gems to them!!! With love and all my best wishes to all of you! Yen Van (VietNam)
As recommended by Astrologer, I purchased the gemstones. I must say that they have a Unique role. After 3 months of wearing them, intuitively these have guided me in the right direction and given me a lot of strength in my convictions and getting beyond false sense of securities in life. Rest future will tell, how these prisms actually affect one. I am grateful to Vikas Mehra Ji for his time, his advice and detailed and patient way of dealing with customers. Thank you! Regards
The service was wonderful. Delivery and updates were very prompt and the pictures were incredibly appreciated. The ring itself has been fantastic. I wear it everyday and can feel the effects of it. Very grateful to have found you and will recommend you to friends looking for gamestones and use your service for any of my own future needs!
Hare Krishna All I bought two gem stones from Pure Vedic Gems. I was bit confused about gem stones because it was my first time experience. I cruised around many websites and made phone calls in India, but didn\'t get any satisfactory answers. I contacted Pure Vedic Gems, they followed up my quiries nicely. Vikas ji the owner of Vedic Gems gave me very valuable advices. It took me long time to finalize the products, but staff had lots of patience. Pure Vedic Gems team answered all my questions and helped me to select the products. They helped me on every step of this process. I will highly recommend Pure Vedic Gems to any customers especially Overseas Clients, because it is very hard to find right place to buy gems with complete package (including rings). They have given certificates of Gems and done the proper puja process too. And one more thing to mention, they have Astrologer Team which can help you out if you are not sure of right gem for you on very nominal charges. Full marks to Vikas Mehra ji and his team. Thanks a million Regards Baljit Bains
It was great talking to Vikas, I found him very knowledgeable, and he helped me choose the right product. Pure Vedic Gems team equally is very very helpful, He always sorted out all my quaries & was very responsive.I received the product on time & its a wonderful peace of gem. One doesn’t need to worry about product’s authenticity when buying from Purevedicgems.
Right away as soon as I started my order i was contacted by pure vedic gems team to make sure everything was set up perfectly for my ring to be made. They walked me through the whole process up to delivery. The stone was very good quality and well energized and I felt the difference as soon as I started wearing it. The craftsmanship of the ring was great aswell. I am grateful to have found purevedicgems and I cant wait to make my next purchase :)
Hi Vikasji, Its my pleasure to write feedback about the interaction that we had. I am very impress with the quality of the gemstone, reasonable pricing, finishing and perfection with with it is embedded into ring. The overall services such as - day to day interaction , resolving queries with quick responses and delivery on time in secure packing. I had received excellent customer service for first purchase of a another gemstone last year, the same experience this time as well. I would continue to use Purevedic for future purchases and would highly recommend to others.
A Final end, destination when u are searching for pure unheated untreated Vedic Gemstones. The Very first day when I saw website and videos of oceanic knowledge and an unsaid promise for pure Ratana and consultation. I wish Mr Vikas ( whom I have never met ). But I wish to..... But I bought Emerald from Pure Vedic Gems. It\'s really very nice quality as promised. Nowadays when every one in market promises for true stones, the one trusted stop is Mr Vikas whose true and valuable guidance will surely make u go for a real stone , none other than Pure Vedic Gems. My best wishes are with them and Vikas ji too.. May the supreme power, lord of us all shower blessings on them...
I bought 2 gemstones (Yellow Sapphire & Red Coral) from Pure Vedic Gems and I am very pleased with the products and customer services. The gemstones were high quality and very beautiful. PURE VEDIC GEMS teams was very helpful throughout the journey. He helped me from the purchase to delivery of the product. Thank you