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One Faced Rudraksha is very rare and is ascribed to Lord Shiva. The use of this Rudraksha around the neck blesses the wearer with power, authority, wealth and all the comforts of life. Above all, the sadhaka will have darshan of his Deity.

The place where its puja is performed, wealth remains in abundance, all troubles  vanish and people of that house lead a comfortable life. The one-faced Rudraksh is termed very auspicious as it bestows wealth and happiness. It helps in attaining moksha and nirvana. The wearer has inclination to do good deeds and it helps in getting the power of intuition. The sadhaka gets Bhakti, Mukti and peace of mind. This is the most auspicious and sacred Rudraksha. It is believed that the wearer of this Rudraksh would get rid of the sin of brahm hatya and would get salvation. It is represented by Sun which effectively control’s its malefic effects and cures them in physical level such as right eye, headache, ear ailments, bowl problems, bone weakness etc. and in the spiritual level, such as lack of confidence, charisma, personal power, leadership qualities and prosperity. It removes any difficulty in the path of progress to led a powerful life with dignity.

A one-faced genuine Rudraksha is usually flat or of Half Moon shaped. In the market mostly fake one mukhi Rudraksha are found, in which one will notice figures of serpents, conches, trishul, Om or Shiv Linga etc. Inscribed artificially. Sometimes two-faced Rudraksh is made into one-faced by rubbing one face so skilfully that only an expert can distinguish it.

Mantra for Wearing :

Om Aim Hum Actum Aim Om

Viniyogah :

Take water in hand and chant the following after which throw the water on the floor.

Asya shreeshiva mantrasya prasad rishih, panktih chandhah, shivo devata, hankaro beejam, aaum shaktih, mama chaturvarg siddhyarthe Rudraksha dharanarthe jape, viniyogah.

Diseases it cures :

One Mukhi  Rudraksha is ruled by the Planet Sun and works as medical remedy for curing diseases like chronic asthma, TB, paralysis, stroke, heart problems, mental anxiety, eye problem, bone pain, head ache etc.

Surya Pacifying Remedies and Venus & Saturn Strengthening Remedies:-

To view our Rudrakshas…..…

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Scientific Research Centre-Gems/ Rudrakshas/Yagyas Healing Therapy & Vedic Astrology
Authentic world renown genuine vedic astrologers available for guidance

Affiliations & Certifications PureVedicGems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology
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Gubelin Gemlab
Gemological Institute of America
Gemmological Institute of India
Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery
International Gemological Institute
Gem Research SwissLab