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Moon in the 8th house of horoscope-

Moon in the 8th house of horoscope-

8th house of moon

Moon in the 8th House / Benefits of Moon in 8th House of Horoscope/Characteristics of Moon in 8th House of Horoscope-

Moon in the 8th house of horoscope-

It is a difficult position for the individual in some cases, because Moon in 8th house gives a man a touch of feminine qualities habits, tendencies, while it gives masculine qualities, habits arid tendencies to a woman. This situation of nature of a partner in the married life often creates problems for the individual with regard to adjustment, as also adjustment with wider families of the two and also in the social circle of the two.

Many a times wife does not like timid or submissive tendency or nature of the husband, which reflects on mutual bedroom life too. This type of husband generally lacks initiative, courage and welcome-type of force towards wife and bedroom affairs between the two. On the other hand, a wife given to masculine nature and tendency makes her bold, brave, very talkative, dominating. She doesn’t miss an opportunity to take initiative, courage and desired force or compulsion in the bedroom, which is liked by some husbands, while disliked by some others.

In such a case, much would depend on position, help or opposition from other planets in the 8th house (with Moon) or from other houses in the birth-chart. Undoubtedly Navamsha chart of husband and Trinshansha chart of wife would carry a lot of weight in this behalf.

In so far as other effect of Moon in 8th house is concerned, it is deemed to be of generous nature, charitable in deserving cases, benevolent, fond of jokes and casual remarks (but not hurting anyone). It gives concentration of mind on the job on hand or subject under study or any matter under Consideration. Some ancient astrologers have attributed to Moon in the 8th house a tendency for stealing (theft of any kind) and initiating quarrel leading to inimical relations. But by experience spread over several generations, these attributes can be called very rare and remote instead of being common and traceable often.

It is undoubtedly true that Moon in 8th house gives easy misunderstanding in love affair, because a girl wouldn’t very much like timidness, fearfulness or withdrawal tendency in a boy friend. Similarly. a boy friend would normally disapprove of a very bold, daring or daring tendency in a girl friend, vis-à-vis other qualities. Sometimes, in spite of this situation between the two, the marriage might take place. The married life then drags its feet. Interference by other stars in the married life might bring adverse results too.

However one more important function of Moon in the 8th house is the physical troubles and illnesses of any kind which Moon can cause. First thing is that being lord of Mind and every kind of mental faculty in human beings, it gives a kind of worrying nature about even minor events and ailments, and also over-cautiousness about them.

Secondly, Moon can cause tuberculosis, pleurisy, over-weight of body, partial mental or physical impotence to men. In women it gives partial or complete frigidity, sometimes absence of menstrual cycle or very scanty flow of menstrual bleeding leading to childlessness, besides frigidity. Underdeveloped breasts to women is also a result of Moon in the 8th house, resulting in very little milk or sometimes no milk at all for breast feeding to the newly born. Masculine features to women and feminine touch of features to men is also an outcome of this position of Moon.

Apart from these complaints, Moon gives a funny touch of uncertainty to the nature of any individual. Further fragility of mind, fickle-mindedness, change of mind and resultant change in decision are also results of the Moon in 8th house.

More serious consequence in the shape of a mere touch of insanity type nature, or partial insanity or even complete insanity and madness are also caused by Moon in the 8th house. In this connection it has to be specially noted that many a time, any degree of partial or near-complete insanity is caused to both boys and girls between the age of puberty to about 28 years of age. The cause is not far to search.

Absence of relief from sexual desire and company of the opposite sex play the main role in it or at least the major role undoubtedly. Several cases of partial insanity have been cured, under the advice of competent astrologer, by arranging close physical contact with the opposite sex (nearly of the same age or a little older or younger in age), even without actual cohabitation.
The difficulty is that the parents, guardians or other members of the family and even astrologers do not understand this point. And cases have come to notice where even medical experts could not come to the conclusion that absence of relief from desire of sex has caused the partial or near-complete insanity. It has to be noted in this context that if the insanity goes to the extent of completeness, it is difficult to cure it, one major problem being no girl or woman (even from a brothel) agrees to cohabit with a boy at that stage of insanity.

Suffering from injury in water, near sinking or near-drowning or even death by drowning are also outcomes of Moon in the 8th house. Another angle of Moon’s presence in the 8th house is food poisoning, or falling ill by taking wrong liquid-medicine or out-of-date medicine or out-dated and rotten medicine. A wound going septic is also a result of Moon in the 8th house. It is interesting to note that Moon is dependent on its light and bright side totally on Sun. and Moon is basically concerned with Mind. But even then Moon can cause all kinds of physical troubles stated above, and that is not a complete list — it is difficult to give a complete list. Allied and linked troubles can be guessed by what has been stated above. Moon in 8th house (12th position from the 9th house) easily earns the individual a bad name in connection with management and funds of any social, religious or charitable organisation. whether the individual is at fault or not. Generally the employees of that institute or organisation start rumours and accusations. Others believe those unfounded allegations and stick to them.

It is always better for these individuals to keep away from funds and management of these organisations. Further, whether guilty or not, uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law of these individuals blame them for usurping their due share in parental or family inheritance, or encroaching upon property or other assets of these persons, guilt or no guilt becomes immaterial in this regard. One very favourable influence of Moon in 8th house is that the individual is often desirous of repeated travel abroad, ultimately leading to settlement in a foreign land for some years or permanently. And often the individual achieves success in it. Whenever Moon is found in the 8th house in the horoscope of any child, it is always better to have the Bhava Chalitam position of that Moon, placement of Cancer (Moon owned Rasi), and Navamsha chart should be got thoroughly examined by an expert and honest astrologer.

Remedies –

Person, who have Moon Planet in Eighth House with good aspect and placement or lord of 8th house then he or she can wear Pearl Gemstone. This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Moon placed with negative aspects then he or she do Rudrabhishek

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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