Moon in the 3rd house of horoscope –
Vikas March 26, 2017 in
Astrology Moon in the 3rd house of  horoscope –

Moon in the 3rd House / Benefits of Moon in 3rd House of Horoscope/Characteristics of Moon in 3rd House of Horoscope-
Moon in the 3rd house of horoscope –
Moon is lord of mental faculties, while the 3rd house concerns chiefly work, efforts, brothers and sisters. Some astrologers carry the theory that 3rd house concerns only the elder brother/ sister, and every 3rd house from the 3rd house concerns others brothers and sisters one by one.
For example the second brother or sister is governed by the 5th house, the third brother or sister from the 7th house, and the fourth brother or sister from the 0 house and so on.
Practical experience does not support this theory. The 3rd house rules also jewellery, domestic help and other employees (in fact both the 3rd house and the 4th house rule full time or part time servants and domestic help).
Undoubtedly the 3rd house rules side sources of income. The main result of Moon in the 3rd house is that the f the mind individual is given to working by mood.
I te direct to iso w, work hard, the individual does so, if the mind directs ‘go sinn er vis-a-vis lethargy and laziness, the individual bows to that that Moon leads more command too.
Generally it is the experience  that Moon leads more towards lethargy than towards hard work, as other soda. too have the same influence on work attitude of the individual.
No doubt, the individual has fondness for wearing orria ents and Jewellery, very attractive clothes (apparel or costume).
The individual has great inner affection towards brothers and sisters. If their number is large, at least towards one brother and one sister, but the individual doesn’t much express that love and affection under the impression that no undue advantage may be taken thereof.
These individuals encourage others towards boldness and bravery, but they themselves often remain in the background, unless there is some obligatory or compelling circumstance to move to the front or forward position.
Normally they are neither daring nor dashing. This withdrawn tendency sometimes affects others too adversely, but not often.
The individual is often alert towards health and public image or public relationship of the father. He or she extends moral and financial help to the father, but not so much physical s In in any fight against father by father’s enemy or adversary.
it’ father’s illness, the individual gives all physical service too, bee -ause it doesn’t involve any physical risk to the individual. It an be called in an overall manner, a ‘fear complex’.
This very fear or hesitation to taking risk is responsible for these individuals to make serious effort to migrate to another country, specially across the waters (sea or ocean), and look towards others for help and support, and not getting it, continue quietly wherever and whatever they are! These individuals do not normally work very hard, but they are keen to become wealthy and well possessed, without minding the support and help of brothers, sisters, friends, or by secret money from mother.
These individuals consult a doctor even on a slight Complaint of health and start taking medicine. But when they start feeling better, they become irregular in taking medicine and P suddenly and abruptly Unless under pressure from other, stop • these individuals do not suffer from any such trouble.
As might warrant major surgery. Since the 3rd house rules hearing faculty,they are very alerts about their hearing capacity. They do not generally suffer from heart ailment, or any complaint of health leading to it.
They stay preventive in this regard. During pregnancy days, these women have greater confidence about continuance of the pregnancy as also about own health, and they try to avoid delivery by caesarean section or forceped delivery.
Because these individuals do not prefer themselves to attend to domestic chores, they are generally tolerant and liberal towards domestic help.
Remedies –
Person, who have Moon Planet in Third House with good aspect and placement or lord of 3rd  house then he or she can wear Pearl Gemstone. This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Moon placed with negative aspects then he or she do Chandra shanti Yagya
Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –