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Mantras for Venus

Mantras for Venus(Sukra)

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Mantras for Venus

Mantras for Venus. The planet Venus (Sukra) in a natural benefic planet like guru in Hindu Mythology. Sukra means “bright†and “potency†in Sanskrit. Venus is the karaka of spouse, love, luxury, beauty, prosperity and fine arts. Sukra, is known as the teacher of Raakshashas. Guru (Jupiter) is the welfare minister while sukra is the cultural minister in the cabinet of the planets. The main concern of Sukra will be to provide cultural development. A prominent Sukra in the chart will give the native wealth, artful taste and proficiency in fine arts. An afflicted Sukra would cause hormonal problems, glandular malfunctions like diabetes. Propitiation to Sukra will bring about union in the estranged couple, will bestow wealth and gives the native orientation towards enjoyment of life.

Venus is worshipped on sarwath siddhi yoga during shukla paksha on Friday. If Pushya Nakshatra is on that day, it is even better. The rosary of safatik (crystal) or pearl is used. Ome scholars advise use of Rudraksha or tulsi mala for japa of the mantra. The idol for the worship should be silver in colour. The sage of the Mantra is Vishvedeva. The metre is tristup. The diety is Shukra. This mantra is to be chanted for sixteen thousand times. For better results, the devotee is advised to perform homas with scented white flowers for twenty one Fridays or with the twigs of gular. The mantra for recital is :-


Om Annatparisrutati mantrasye Vishvedeva rishi, tristup chand,shukro devta,

shukro pritye jape viniyoga II


Vishvedeva rishiye namah sirshi, tristup chandse namo mukhe,

Shukro devtayee namo hridayee, shukar pritye jape viniyogayee namah sarvange II


Om annatparisarutam angustabhyam namah (Touch the thumb with index finger),

Rasam brahmana vyapibt tarjani bhayam namah (Touch  the index fingers with thumb),

Ksyam payam prajapati madhyama bhyam namah ( Touch the middle fingers with thumb),

Riten satyemindriyam vipan Shukarmandsa anamikabhyam namah ( Touch the ring fingers with thumb),

Indersayeinderymidam kanistika bhayam namah ( Touch the little fingers with thumb),

Payomritam madhu kartalkar pristhabhayam namah ( Touch the back of the palms),


Annatparisaruta hridayae namah ( Touch your heart with your hand),

Rasam brahmana vyapibt sirse swah ( Touch your head),

Kshtryam payam prajapati sikayee vast ( Touch your hairs),

Riten satyamindriyam vipan Shukarmandsa kavchayee hum

(Touch your right shoulder with left hand and left with right),

Indersayeinderymidam  netartayee vaushat ( Touch your eyes),

Payomritam madhu astrayee phat ( clap, after taking circle around your head).


Dhyana verse

Take pink flowers in your hands and do dhyana as under:-

Dandi detya guru swami shukra shewat chaturbhuja I

Vardoabhyahastachaye kamandaludhara sada II

After dhyana perform mental pooja of Venus as under:-

Lam Prithvivyatmak Shukyayee namah gandham parikalpyami I

Ham AakashatmakShukrayee namah Pushpam parikalpyami I

Yam Vyaayatmak Shukrayee namah dhupam parikalpyami I

Ram Brahmyatmak Shukrayee namah dipam parikalpyami I

Vam Lalatmak Shukrayee namah navedyam parikalpyami I


Now perform pooja of Venus by taking rosary in the hand and recite the following mantra for the rosary:-

Ma male mahamale sarvshakti sawrupani I

Chaturvargsstavyinayeesatsamanmam sidhidabhav II

Now start reciting mantra facing towards east direction. Venus mantra for recital is as under:-


II The Venus Mantra II

Om dram drim drom sa om bhur bhuva swah om annat parisruto rasmbrahmana

vyapibatakshtrampayee somam prajayati I

riten satyamindrayam vipan sukarmandhsindersaye inderyee midmpayo mritam madhu

A om swah  bhuva bhu om sad rom drim dram om Shukrayee namah II


II Shukra Gayatri mantra II

Om Bharguvanshtajaya vidyamahe Shevatvahanaya

Dhimahi tanna Kavi Parchodayat II

II Venus bij mantra II

Om dara dri droo sah Shukraya Namah II

The Venus mantra for recital :

Om dra dri droo sah bhraguve Namah II

Om Shum shukraaya Namah II

Om Vastram me dehe shukraya swah II

The above mantra is to be recited for sixteen thousand times. 1/10 of homa be done as tarpan and 1/10 of that

should be marzan.

After that the devotee should donate articles of Venus.


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