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 Lapis lazuli, the gemstone for planet Saturn.

 Lapis lazuli, the gemstone for planet Saturn.

Lapis Lazuli, The Gemstone for Planet Saturn

In Vedic astrology, Lapis lazuli is a stone of planet Saturn. You can get the auspicious effects of Saturn after wearing this stone. Lapis lazuli is the stone of Sagittarius zodiac. Lapis lazuli has an opaque light of deep royal blue, which is symbolic of the vastness of the heavens. It has been a sacred stone of ancient cultures such as Atlantis, Egypt and Mexico. It is the symbol of the illumination of the mind as such, has a great history.

This stone is very important in the foundation of the earth, as it represents absolute light. It touches at the very heart of love and beauty, harmonizing the inner as well as the outer. Lapis lazuli instills high idealism by reaching to build and establish the essence of fellowship and cooperation.

Lapis lazuli has great healing, curative and purifying properties when used on the body. Its deep blue rays penetrate knots and congested area of the throat, releasing them and opening the passage for sacred word.

Who can wear Lapis lazuli gemstone?

  • Lapis lazuli is astrologically suitable for Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
  • Anyone seeking to come out of a depression can wear this gemstone but after analyzing the horoscope from a Vedic or learned pundit.
  • Those inclined towards yoga, meditation, health exercise may wear this stone for renewed spirit and vigor.

Benefits of Lapis lazuli gemstone.

  • Lapis lazuli has a lot of medical benefits. It boosts immune system, lower blood pressure, purifies blood and soothes inflammation.
  • This stone also helps to improve nervous system and respiratory system.
  • Lapis lazuli works on the throat chakra, this gemstone allows a person to express themselves freely and communicate clearly without fear.
  • Lapis lazuli stone is fantastic medium for connecting with one’s higher self, allowing one to delve deeper into one’s inner nature and increasing self-awareness.
  • This stone is beneficial for those who are naturally aggressive.
  • This stone signifies truth and wisdom, and by wearing this stone, you can improve your intellectuality.
  • Lapis lazuli improves meditation and helps you focus and concentrate on work.
  • By wearing this gemstone you can enhance your understanding level and brilliant ideas.
  • Lapis lazuli stone holds mystical properties and favors its wearer with great mental and physical well being.
  • By wearing this gemstone an individual can cure various health problems such as migraines, headaches, throat problem and many more.
  • This is an excellent stone for those who cannot control their anger and rage.
  • This stone is also believed to attract promotion and success.

How to wear Lapis lazuli gemstone.

  • According to astrologer lapis lazuli can be worn in gold or silver.
  • This stone should be worn in the middle finger of the working hand.
  • Saturday evening is the correct and best time to wear lapis lazuli gemstone.
  • Lapis lazuli purifies oneself from lower energies and aligns him with higher energies and vibrations.


Why wear Lapis lazuli stone.

Lapis lazuli is said, to be the birthstone of those born in the month of February, but in Vedic astrology, it is considered to be the epithet of Saturn and its sign in Sagittarius. Hence it is worn for good effects of Shani. Apart from this, it also has importance in healing therapy.


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