Vikas November 25, 2016 in
ketu in the 4 thHouse

ketu in the 4th/Fourth House of Horoscope / Benefits of ketu in the 4th/Fourth House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Ketu in the 4th/Fourth House of  Horoscope –
ketu in the 4th house
Because Ketu is a shadow planet, if alone, it is not very effective in the 4th house, though the individual gets less care and affection from mother in infancy or childhood. It may take the individual away from mother in childhood for schooling or any other purpose, but this is not a hard and fast rule. It might not be so, depending on other stars in the 4th house or position of the lord of the 4th house and that lord’s relationship with the 4th house as well as with Ketu.
Same theory would apply to accidental injury, especially injury by any vehicle or a four-legged (pet or wild) animal, particularly dog, fox, jackal, horse, donkey, pony, camel, elephant, Cow, buffalo, goat or a fall from an animal while riding it. The injury can be caused on a play-field, whether actually participating in the game/ sport or not. The injury could even be by a wild animal in a circus or in a jungle.
Ketu in the 4th house can cause loss of at least one pregnancy to own mother at a very early stage, which can be called a mere conception. Otherwise too, there might be minor complaints of health to mother within four years of the birth of the individual.
If the mother owned any assets or property in her independent and exclusive capacity, there are strong chances of the individual inheriting full or substantial part of those assets or property, more often, after the death of the mother.
It is also likely that others would throw their claims in the arena of succession, but the individual has better chances of winning the battle, especially with support of documents like gift-deed, will, etc. However, Ketu in the 4th house is rather unconcerned and unconnected with the individual’s other inheritance from father or uncle or sources other than the mother. That depends on other houses in the Birth-chart, their lords and planets in the 4th or the 9th house.
Ketu in the 4th house gives greater mobility to the individual, within town, within same province and within the country, and if a watery Rasi is in the 4th house and if its lord is supportive, in foreign countries too. Otherwise too, travel to foreign countries today has become like a travel to a neighbour’s garden. No doubt, the individual keeps links with roots in the home country, home town, and if he or she owns any property, he or she maintains the ownership during active life of self, unless other solid stars interfere in the matter.
Individuals with Ketu in the 4th house should always take better care of their digestive system and control their weight.
The individual is charitable and serviceful socially, but in a limited sense because Ketu is after all a shadow star.
Remedies –
Person, who have KETU Planet in Fourth House with good aspect and placement or lord of Fourth house then he or she can wear Catseye Gemstone. This will boost up their administration ability, house, mother and Vehicle related aspects. If KETU placed with negative aspects then he or she must chant Ganapati Sahasranaam Stotram.
Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –