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ketu in the 2nd house


ketu in the 2nd/Second House of Horoscope / Benefits of ketu in the 2nd/Second House of Horoscope / Characteristics of Ketu in the 2nd/Second House of Horoscope –

ketu in the 2nd house

The individual is fond of collecting books and magazines good and inferior, all kinds—some are read, some are glanced at and some are just added to collection. The individual is good in literature, writing and in accounting. But the individual sometimes behaves like a highbrow, given to pretension and vanity. This last attribute leads the individual to differences with the spouse or family thereof, as also presumed misbehavior with government officials, thereby incurring their annoyance and resultant trouble.

Some of the individuals have to face non co-operation from certain members of the family of self and spouse,have to spend money and effort to prove helpful, to appease such members of the family. Spouse gains weight after marriage, with the result that sometimes the individual is (at least in mind) attracted towards others. Inspite of gifted with intelligence and knowledge, the individual is unable to read and understand the mind of own spouse, which leads to partial aloofness in one of the two.
These individuals are careful and tactful in management of Whatever money they have got, and therefore they are rarely so short of hard cash as to borrow from others. As far as possible, they avoid borrowing from any member of the family of self or spouse, but they unhesitatingly borrow from close friends. These individuals repay the borrowed money, but rarely by the promised date.
These individuals should always take better care of their ear nose and throat, particularly against any mild injury. And if they are active participants in sports and games, they should take extra care against injury to the skull, lest it might lead to neurological ailment sooner or later in life.
-Remedies –
Person, who have KETU Planet in Second House with good aspect and placement or lord of Second house then he or she can wear
Catseye Gemstone. This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and good health. If KETU placed with negative aspects then he or she must do Ganapati Sahasranama Stotram.

Note : Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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