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Benefits of Jupiter in 8th House of Horoscope

Benefits of Jupiter in 8th House of Horoscope


Jupiter in 8th House / Benefits of Jupiter in 8th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Jupiter in 8th House of Horoscope

Jupiter in 8th House
This is also an important placement for Jupiter because it determines loss of money, losses in share and stock speculation, diseases like asthma, diabetes and kidney trouble.
Jupiter in the 8th house also determines whether the individual would have an easy and peaceful death with contentment in past life. Otherwise, he or she would have died after prolonged illness or severe sufferings even for a short period or death in mental worries and dissatisfied aims and ambitions and incomplete tasks left behind. Another worry would be whether the death would cause any financial problem/ struggle/ dispute to the spouse or mistress or paramour or friend of the opposite sex in love who is left behind.
The ancient acharyas have laid considerable importance in this regard on the Dreshkana-chart (one-third divisional part of the Ascendant/ Lagna) in the 8th house, as the 8th house is connected with death.
The question can arise as to why this point relating to Dreshkana is being discussed with reference to Jupiter’s position in the 8tn house and not earlier. The ancient acharyas have attached importance to both Jupiter and Dreshkana in the 8th house for determining whether the death of the individual would be a contented person’s death with a peaceful mind or it would be a death of an uncontented person in a disturbed and worried state of mind.
Each Rasi has three Dreshkanas. The Dreshkana effect is discussed below Rasi-wise for easy and clear understanding:

  • if it is the 1st Dreshkana of (Mesh) Aries in the 8th house, the death would be caused by liver or kidney trouble. Death would come after quite a long struggle with illness and medical treatment.
  • If it is the 2nd Dreshkana of Aries, the death would be by drowning, by water, by any disease caused by water, on a sailing ship or sinking of the ship, by floods, by a landslide or by snowfall, or storm or cyclone etc.
  • If the 3rd Dreshkana of Aries, the death might be caused by a landslide, failing in a ditch, well, canal or on the banks of a flowing or dry river, or by a railing from a height of any kind.
  • If it is the 1st Dreshkana of Taurus, the death would be caused by fall from a horse/ camel/ elephant or by a dog bite, jackal bite or by an attack by a wild animal like lion, tiger, panther, wolf.
  • If it is the 2nd Dreshkana of Taurus, the death would be caused by fire, electrical shock, acid, poison, cough, cold, bronchitis, or congestion of the chest.
  • If it is the 3rd Dreshkana of Taurus, the death might be caused by the debris of a house, volcano, earthquake, falling or jumping-off or by being thrown from the roof of a house or multi storied building, or by an attack by a wild animal, or rabies.
  • If it is the 1st Dreshkana of Gemini, the death is likely to be caused by suffocation caused by smoke/ dust/ pollution, asthma trouble or obstruction in the respiratory system or by the body being overburdened by so much fatness that breathing becomes difficult.
  • If it is the 2nd Dreshkana of Gemini, the death might be caused by high fever, malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, or similar allied illness.
  • If it is the 3rd Dreshkana of Gemini, the death is likely by accident by vehicle, train, airplane, or being pushed from a high level by someone intentionally, or by a landslide, or by falling into a ditch, stream, brook, valley from any kind of a vehicle.
  • If it is the 1st Dreshkana of Cancer in the 8th house the death is caused by food poisoning, poisoning by someone else intentionally, injury by arrows, gun, fire, knife, or thorns, or sharp-weapon and bleeding caused thereby.
  • If it is the 2nd Dreshkana of Cancer, the death is caused by piles, inflammation in intestines, serious kind of gynecological trouble, diarrhea, or dysentery,
  • If it is the 3rd Dreshkana of Cancer, the cause of death is likely to be a failure of the spleen, kidney or intestines, cholera or plague.
  • If the 1st Dreshkana of Leo is in the 8th house, the cause of death may be the plague, any epidemic, venereal disease or AIDS and allied trouble, or dyspepsia of a serious kind.
  • If the 8th house has 2nd Dreshkana of Leo, cause of death is likely to be congestion in chest, asthma, bronchitis, acute problem with respiratory system, and (rarely but sometimes possible) by drowning or being pushed in water, river or sea, or by poisonous liquor, wine, or any drinkable item.
  • If it is the 3rd Dreshkana of Leo in the 8th house, the cause of death can be an injury by firearm, spear, arrow, knife or by a gunshot on a battlefield or by vehicular accident, or poison in blood system by injection, or infection.
  • If is the 1st Dreshkana of Virgo in the 8th house, the death is likely by insanity, neurological trouble, brain hemorrhage, epilepsy, or some allied ailment.
  • If it is the 2nd Dreshkana of Virgo in the 8th house, cause of death is likely to be a fall from a height, being killed on the ramparts of a fort or high-rise building, or a fall from a tree, hill, mountain.
  • If the 3rd Dreshkana of Virgo is in the 8th house, the cause of death could be by an order of a king, ruler, chieftain, head of a tribe or criminal group or death sentence by a court of law.
  • If the 1st Dreshkana of Libra is in the 8th house, the death is likely by a woman or connivance of a woman, mistress, paramour, or by a spouse (wife or husband), or by being thrown down from a height, high-rise building, hill, or mountain. In any case, it is a death planned by a human being(s).

Remedies –

People who have JUPITER (BRIHASPATI)/GURU Planet placed in 8th House with good aspect and placement or having planet Jupiter as lord of the 8th house then he or she should wear a fine quality, Natural and Astrologically Approved (Jyotish Standard) Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Gemstone.  And if Jupiter/Brihaspati is placed with negative aspects or conjunctions then he or she must do “Mrityunjaya Mantra, 4 Mukhi & 8 Mukhi Rudraksha” to pacify the negative effects of planet Jupiter/Brihaspati in their lives.




Note: Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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