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Benefits of Jupiter in 12th House of Horoscope

Benefits of Jupiter in 12th House of Horoscope


Jupiter in 12th House / Benefits of Jupiter in 12th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Jupiter in 12th House of Horoscope

Jupiter in the 12th house of a horoscope

Jupiter in the 12th house can lead to loss of money or of moveable assets by lapse on part of self, by carelessness, by the misconduct of people around, by cheating, by embezzlement, by pilferage of goods.
Jupiter leads to loss by penalty, fine, or punishment, or by the imposition of penal interest by action taken by any legal forum or taxation authorities. Jupiter might require the individual to pay compensation or ransom money in case of the kidnapping of a near and dear one.
It is Jupiter, which requires the individual to pay alimony in matrimonial matters, and causes loss of money by losing civil or matrimonial litigation (this being an important point).
Other minor causes of loss of money or goods by Jupiter in the 12th house is by loss of books and notes in school and college, my pocket being picked, or bag or baggage or luggage being snatched, or stolen, by loss in shares and stocks.
Still, other means of loss can be by losing gold/ silver items, bullion, jewelry, ornaments, other household assets by theft, robbery, dacoity, or by the mischief of the partner, or by losing finance in the individual’s capacity of a sleeping partner.
There is no limit to describing sources of loss that can be caused by Jupiter in the 12th house. It can be by losing finance in films and fine arts, or by non-recovery of dues in the shape of cash or wages, royalty, compensation, or by a rejection of a claim on Insurance company, by theft from a safe deposit vault.
There can be loss in business or industrial venture or manufacturing unit, or by forfeiture of pension or gratuity or provident fund or any kind of compensation or wages for work. There are many other minor means of loss of money or assets but herein given are the main sources.
Jupiter in the 12th house adversely affects the memory of an individual at an educational stage. It can cause trouble with kidney, liver, respiratory system, sugar content in the blood system, ovaries in a female.
Another source of the unfavorable influence of Jupiter in 12th house is that the boss, superior authority or the employer indulges in taking credit in the name and under the signatures of the individual, without acknowledgment or any kind of compensation, just like cheating or a kind of piracy. Or it can be a trick of the employer to force the individual to continue in adverse service conditions of the employer, or even in harmful circumstances.
Further, it adversely affects the educational progress of the progeny, if the children’s own stars are unfavorable in this regard.
In rare cases does Jupiter delays delivery of a child from the mother’s womb or creates complications that might sometimes lead to a cesarean section. If Jupiter happens to be lord of the 5th house, it disturbs the normal weight of the child in the mother’s womb and necessitates extra ‘post-delivery’ care for the newly born.

Remedies –

People who have JUPITER (BRIHASPATI)/GURU Planet placed in 12th House with good aspect and placement or having planet Jupiter as lord of the 12th house then he or she should wear a fine quality, Natural and Astrologically Approved (Jyotish Standard) Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Gemstone.  And if Jupiter/Brihaspati is placed with negative aspects or conjunctions then he or she must do “Mrityunjaya Mantra Jaap and should wear 4 Mukhi & 8 Mukhi Rudraksha” to pacify the negative effects of planet Jupiter/Brihaspati in their lives.





Note: Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –


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