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Jupiter Planet And Its Gemstone Yellow Sapphire

Jupiter Planet And Its Gemstone Yellow Sapphire

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Jupiter Planet And Its Gemstone Yellow Sapphire

J U P I T E R  I N  S A N S K R I T is known as Brahaspati or Guru. In the Taittiriya Upanishad Jupiter is said to be the intellect and speech of the Virat Purusha, the Cosmic Body. In the Bribat Parasara Hora (1.26.31) he is said to be the dwarf incarnation of Vishnu. In the Vishnu Purana he is said to be Brahma. Sometimes he is identified with Ganapati (Ganesh), and sometimes with Angiras (the priest of the gods and lord of sacrifices). There is also a story that the wife of Angiras gave birth to Brahaspati (Jupiter), who is the presiding deity of mental powers and the teacher of gods. He is the teacher of the science of light, that is, astrology and astronomy. He is the ruler of the Sun and the Moon and controls the movement of the planets.
In the Rig Veda Brahaspati is said to be born in the sky with seven faces and seven rays. Brahaspati defeats his enemies and breaks their forts. No ritual sacrifice can be complete without invoking this teacher of gods. He is the seer who perceived and wrote one of the hymns of the Rig Veda (10.72).

In the Skanda Purana it is said that Brahaspati worshiped Shiva for a thousand years and as a reward Shiva made him the planet Jupiter.
The Brahaspati Sambita a book of law and politics, is attributed to him. Only a fragment of this large collection of teachings of Brahaspati is available now.
Jupiter is a sattvik and benefic planet, significator of luck and fortune, and he rules religion, philosophy, spirituality, wealth, and progeny. He is noble, buoyant, dignified, fruitful, optimistic, jovial, and masculine. If favorable, this planet gives name, fame, success, honor, wealth, progeny and good relationship with progeny, and it brings benefits to whatever planets or house it is associated with.
The color of Jupiter is yellow. Thursday is his day, and north-east is his direction. He is big, old looking, and has a pot belly. He is self-illuminating (this is said also in ‘Western astronomy). One of his names is Guru, which means “heavy” (in weight) and also “teacher.”

Through the placement of Jupiter in a birth chart we know about the bcnefits earned by a native from the karmas of his past lives. Jupiter also affects long-distance travel, wisdom, truthfulness, morality, charity, benevolence, Compassion, and meditation.
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and the sign of its fall is Capricorn. It gives good results when placed in Sagittarius or Pisces. The best house for Jupiter is the fourth house, where it gets directional strength.
Sun, Mars, and the Moon are its friends. Mercury and Venus are its enemies. Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn are neutral in friendship. Its signs of detriment are Gemini and Virgo. In the Uttra Phalguni, Uttrakshad, Punarvasu, Purva Bhadrapad, and Vishakha nakshatras it gives benefic effects.
Jupiter is very important for a female, because it determines her marriage and her relationship with her husband. Jupiter rules over the liver, thighs, circulation of blood in arteries, and fat in the human organism. It rules over gold and bronze In metals, wheat and barley in grains, yellow flowers, fruits of yellow color, onions, and garlic.
Jupiter influences people during the fifteenth, sixteenth, twenty second. and fortieth year of age, and it is said that if Jupiter is posited in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house in a positive (unafflicted) manner, it can save the native from the evil effects of all planets.
All people with high ambitions, calm persons, priests, religious teachers, politicians, ministers, foreigners, and persons in the legal profession are influenced by Jupiter.
Diseases connected with an afflicted or wrongly posited Jupiter are liver ailments, jaundice, arthritis, dropsy, dyspepsia, disorders of the pancreas, catarrh, abcesses, and carbuncles. It can give diseases of phlegm, swelling, and tuberculosis when afflicted.

Benefits Of Wearing Jyotish Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

1. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire can beget good luck and wealth.
2. Wearing Yellow Sapphire also helps in better clarity, focus and therefore better decision making abilities.
3. It also submits spiritual and devine knowledge to the native thus filling mind with pious thoughts.
4. Wearing Yellow Sapphire helps in case of finance, prosperity and childbirth.
5. Encourages Stronger & Better Relationship with your children & your Elders.
6. Helps curing Throat, Joint and Lung Related Problems and Strengthens the body’s immune system.
7. Yellow Sapphire For Digestive Health.
8. It gives life security, protects one from poverty, and removes adversity, misfortune and melancholy.
9. It is also believed that if there are obstructions in finding a suitable match for a girl, she gets married early by wearing a yellow sapphire.
10. Yellow Sapphire Enhances Mental Balance.
11. Yellow Sapphire denotes righteousness, piety and truthfulness.

About Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Qualities and Prices:-

Note – Gemstones should be worn only after consulting a Learned Vedic Astrologer – Vedic Astrologer –

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