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How Gemstones Help in profession:

How Gemstones Help in profession:



The primary thing in this analysis is whether the profession a native is pursuing is conducive to indications in the horoscope.There are certain clear indications about the profession, which will be pursued by the native in the horoscope.But there are innumerable areas within a profession, where a particular temperament is required to succeed.The horoscope indicates a personality, which may not suit that kind of job, which the native is pursuing. The basic career remaining the same, the person still has scope to switch a job or switch to some other area of the same career.The use of gemstones can help the native in channelising his energies in a particular manner to achieve better results.Sometimes gems are used for providing healing to the native, so that his performance curve remains high.The temperament of the native can be given a shape for the better by the use of gemstones. But this has to be done after proper assessment of the horoscope of the person.

There are so many things, which have to be taken into consideration while prescribing gems for professions.This task cannot be done without deep astrological analysis of horoscope. Many times gems are prescribed for a very limited period and use. For example when a native is not getting his promotion and it is getting delayed for no specific reason.The relevant planet’s strength can be enhanced or a yoga present in the horoscope can be strengthened by using gems. This has proved very helpful in innumerable cases. People going for the interviews  are not able to perform well for simple reason of being nervous.This can the rectified by using gems temporarily for certain period of time before  due date of interview to cairn nerves. Corporate executives while going for all important presentation to get a business deal worth Millions can  get immense benefits from the use of appropriate gems. Various transient conditions experienced by people during certain situations can be  controlled very effectively by the use of gemstones,.

Even in ancient times, diplomats while visiting a hostile country for negotiations used to wear specific gems to help them in achieving their-objectives. All such type of business and official conduct can be affected by the use of dynamic prescription of gems depending upon the effect desired and the prevailing dasa and transits and the horary charts used in such situations.But then, as has been stressed earlier, this dynamic usage of gems is possible only when a professional and proficient advice is constantly available to the native.


The modern day politics world over is full of examples where astrologers are consulted for various things.In ancient times the kings used to employ a team of astrologers for their advice on all-important matters. Many Presidents, Prime Ministers and innumerable politicians have been using the services of astrologers and clairvoyants for advice and guidance. Many have been known to use gems for success in their professions.

In the case of normal people, the change of job and connected problems like lack of job satisfaction, relationships with colleagues and superiors are equally important areas of concern.Many people land up in an area of career which conforms to their qualification but they do not have temperament for that activity.They can get help from gemstones to enhance that required trait for success and satisfaction of their job. Sometimes, they are better if they change their area  to strengthen that trait  which is present in horoscope.If the area of activity is also changed towards that indicated by horoscope, then remarkable results can be experienced, as the Gemstones will be even more effective in such cases.

Vedic Remedies & 9 planets:-

Note – The gemstones should be 100% Natural, Astrologically Approved, without any Negative inclusions (As mentioned in the Sacred Gems healing texts), Purified and Energized by concerned Vedic planetary mantras for best results and should only be worn after consulting your horoscope with a genuine and learned Vedic astrologer.

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