Benefits of Jupiter in 5th House of Horoscope
Vikas July 30, 2016 in
Astrology Benefits of Jupiter in 5th House of Horoscope

Jupiter in 5th House / Benefits of Jupiter in 5th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Jupiter in 5th House of Horoscope
This is yet another very favourable placement for Jupiter. Very good memory, rich experience, vast general knowledge, maturity of mind and robust common sense are some of the gifts which Jupiter bestows upon these individuals, whether they are educated highly or not.
The second gift that Jupiter grants to these individuals is that of sensible progeny, whether male or female.
Education-wise and profession-wise, these individuals make efficient and knowledgeable lawyers, parliamentarians, senators, legislators, economists, constitutional pandits, qualified expert accountants, taxation experts, teachers, professors, editors (neither reporters nor for outdoor work in journalism).
Normally they think good of all and bad of none. Even in Childhood and school life they give all kind of help in studies to other deserving children and students. They make trustworthy private tutors. Their language enjoys the flow and simple construction, one doesn’t have to consult the dictionary often while going through matter written by them.
In their own household management and business matters they are very good economists theory-wise, but they need the guidance and assistance of others, particularly of juniors and youngsters, to be practically successful in it.
They are kind and generous to their employees, subordinates, and domestic help. Sometimes they have to suffer harm and damages by this attitude. They are liberal and tolerant toward their progeny. This tenderness on their part towards progeny sometimes proves a hurdle, in a high standard of the educational rise of their children.
They are noble writers often cheated by their publishers. The modesty and simplicity of these individuals are generally misunderstood by such people as are out there to exploit them. As lawyers, cheats, and criminals do not find mutual suitability with them, though straightforward litigants prefer them.
Generally, judges in higher courts and supreme courts as also at the International Court at The Hague should have Jupiter in the 5th, 9th or 10th house. Top economists and some of the finance ministers in different countries, who have been successful on their own, must have had Jupiter in 5th, 9th or 10th house. Good and outwardly honest ministers in the council of ministers also have Jupiter in the 5th, 9th or 10th house.
However, an important point to note is that because Jupiter in the 5th house is in 11th position from the 7th house which rules spouse, spouses of some of these judges, economists and ministers may not be above board in masters of integrity and honesty, the spouse is not up to mark in maintenance of confidentially and secrecy pertaining to the work of their husbands or wives in high positions.
One of the negative sides, these individuals are generally failures in judging the economic and financial position of the enemy or competitors countries, commercial houses, business adversaries and opponents in litigation. Some of them are unable to maintain the integrity and honesty of their subordinates and juniors or even co-workers, whatever their field of activity and work.
If Jupiter is in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, it is likely to cause hernia trouble to the individual either before the age of 19 or after the age of 48 years.
Remedies –
People who have JUPITER (BRIHASPATI)/GURU Planet placed in 5th House with good aspect and placement or having planet Jupiter as lord of the 5th house then he or she should wear a fine quality, Natural and Astrologically Approved (Jyotish Standard) Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Gemstone. And if Jupiter/Brihaspati is placed with negative aspects or conjunctions then he or she must do “Rudra Abhishek” to pacify the negative effects of planet Jupiter/Brihaspati in their lives.

Note: Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –
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